Chapter 14. Long days get longer

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Rose's POV

​We make our way into the chorus room and I grab my binder, "Do you think Mrs. Collins is going to say something about Allstate today?" I ask Arebella. She shrugs her shoulders and grabs her binder, "maybe, I don't know. Who do you think is going to do it this year?" She asks scanning the room. I look around, no one here except Charlie and maybe Braden would do it. They have done it all the years we have done it. Braden is a guy in our grade who doesn't really hang out with us, but you could call us friends with him. I walk over to my seat and as I'm sitting down Rob and Danny walk in. Yes, they're both in chorus with me but they wouldn't do Allstate, that's just not them. "Okay guys we got a lot to do today so shut up and turn to alleluia in your binder." Our chorus teacher, Doc, exclaims. He's about 62 and maybe the craziest old man I know. A series of groans file through the class because nobody likes this song except Doc. He starts the beginning chord and everyone get ready to sing right before Mrs. Collins, his wife, walks in, "Wait, wait I need to say something real quick." She says gently, pulling Doc's hands down from conducting position.  His shoulders slouch slightly and he steps back letting her talk. "Okay so as most of you know, October is the auditions for Allstate. So for anyone that wants to do it come here after school and we can get you registered." She states before going behind the piano, "Okay I'm done." She says finally, queuing Doc to start again. We sing through a couple of songs, Doc conducting us while Mrs. C plays the piano. I sing my part but I don't really get into it, not feeling up for it. My glazed over eyes scan the room and stop on a certain pair of chocolate brown eyes staring right back at me. Danny is studying me; worry laced in his gaze but then he looks away making me wonder if it was ever there. I look down and stare at my shoes. I don't need his pity; I don't need anyone's pity. The bell rings and I internally groan, it may not seem like I like chorus but I do. Especially when I have science next, I hate science with all my life. I slowly get up and go to put my binder up. I slip it into the cubby and me being the idiot I am run into someone. "I'm so sorry." I rush before looking up. Really? Wow, I ran into Danny fucking Wilson. He chuckles, "its fine, I wasn't looking where I was going." He says easily. God even his voice is beautiful. I quickly slip past and make my way to Science. 
Thankfully Science passes by quickly and before I know it I'm heading off to lunch. Arebella is at my side within seconds coming out of nowhere. "Jeez where did you come from?" I ask and she laughs, "I've been walking with you, you just didn't notice." She exclaims amused. I keep looking ahead and reply with a soft oh before walking into the large cafeteria. "So do you want to meet up at the lockers after school or in the chorus room?" Arebella asks while we wait in line for food. I shrug my shoulders not really caring, "how about the chorus room." I choose so I don't have to talk to anyone for a longer period of time. "Yeah okay." She says. What do I have next? Oh yeah Spanish – wait, "wait Arebella we have Spanish together we can just walk from there." I realize. She nods her head, "Yeah but I have tutoring today during Spanish so I won't be there." She answers picking at her nails. I know she hates having a tutor, but she says it helps immensely and since she is so good at Spanish sometimes she skips class for her tutor. "Oh okay." I say simply. We get our food and go to sit down at an open table. I take a bit of my sandwich right as Sonny sits down with his bag of chips and soda. "Wow got yourself a real healthy meal there Sonny." I say sarcastically. He sticks his tongue out at me and I roll my eyes smiling softly. I take another bite of my tasteless sandwich as Sonny starts to rant about something that happened in his Math class. All too soon the bell signaling that lunch is over rings and we get up. Usually we don't stay the entire lunch period but apparently Sonny was really worked up about this drama in Math. We get up and Sonny ends, "So anyway I'm just not gonna talk to that bitch anymore." He says finishing his little rant. I smile and throw my stuff away. Sonny comes over to me and slings his arm around me dramatically, "ready for Spanish?" he asks a hint of sarcasm in his voice. I sigh a heavy sigh and fake smile up at him, "When am I not?" I ask. He laughs, "Touché."
We go to our lockers and Arebella goes to her tutor leaving Sonny and I. Doing my combo I open my locker and grab my books, I go to reach for the book we're reading in class but its not there. "What the fuck?" I exclaim reaching around in my locker to try and find it. Sonny turns his attention towards me already all his books in hand. "What's the matter?" He asks.  "I can't find my book." I reply panic lacing my voice. I suck as it is and losing my book is not going to help my case. All we do is read out of that damn book and if I loose it I'm more screwed than I already was. The warning bell rings and distress flashes across my features. Sonny, being the amazing soul he is grabs my arm and lowers it. "Hold on its okay, you can get a book after school and since Arebella isn't in class today you can use hers." He says calming me down. I nod taking in a steady breath, I shouldn't get this worked up over something so small but you know today isn't the best day for me. He quickly unlocks Arebella's locker and grabs her book, handing it to me. "See? Everything is all good now." He says and we start to walk to class.
Once the bell rings the class quiets down and Mr. Abano walks to the front of the class. "Okay guys today we're going to start a new project!" He says cheerfully receiving a groan from the class. "Guys chill it's not bad, your going to have partners and it's kind of fun." He says but that doesn't really change the fact that it's still a project. Usually most kids would be happy to get a project, but in Mr. Abano's class the projects are usually just research papers. He rolls his eyes again, "Okay so you and a partner we research something from Spanish culture that really intrigues you both and then share it with the class in some way weather it be teaching the class a dance, bringing in food, or playing an episode of a popular Spanish show." He explains and the project starts to sound more and more appealing. I look at Sonny and he's already giving me the 'your going to be my partner you little slut' look.
Mr. Abano continues, "But I will be picking partners so everyone can stop looking at their friends." He says humor laced in his voice. Sonny huffs and his face falls in frustration. We both know that there is no one in this class that he likes other than Arebella and me. Mr. Abano starts calling off names and I daydream as I wait for my name to be called. "Sonny and Danny," Mr. Abano states. Sonny sets his jaw and rolls his eyes. I stifle a laugh at his response while still listening for my name. "Rob and Molly," from my left I can hear Rob moan. "Rob? Do you have a problem with your partner because if so tell me now and I can take points off." Mr. Abano warns Rob. Rob mumbles something incoherent sitting a little lower in his seat. Mr. Abano calls a few more names yet I still haven't heard mine. "And lastly, Arebella and Sonny." Mr. Abano calls out. I look up confused but before I can say anything Sonny beats me to it. "Mr. Abano you gave me Arebella and Danny as a partner and Rose doesn't have one." He states. Mr. Abano raises his eyebrows, "Oh my fault Sonny your with Arebella, Rose you can be with Danny." He says. My mouth opens a little but closes quickly so no one will see. Danny?! I working with Danny? I look over at him and he's looking at me. I quickly turn my attention towards Sonny and try to calm myself. "Okay now since everyone has their partners, please meet up and go over what you want to do. Then please come and get it approved by me." Mr. Abano says before leaning back in his chair. I sigh giving myself a quick pep talk in my head. I walk over to him and plan to say hi but he looks up and I almost take a physical step back. Damn, this boy has got me wrapped around his fucking finger and he doesn't even realize it. "Hey, Rose right?" He says and I almost melt by the way my name sounds on his tongue.  I nod, not able to create an actual sentence. "So I was thinking along the lines of Music or something like that." He says as I take a seat. I smile, that's exactly what I wanted to do. "Y-yeah that sounds cool." I say stuttering. I internally scold myself for not being able to pull it together in front of him. He scoots his chair over a little bit closer to mine causing me to swallow hard. Thank god he's not taking notice of these things. "Okay so we could like research different popular Spanish artist and we could play a song or even sing one if you're up for that." He says and laughs, "I'm not the best singer but you know what the hell." I smile and relax a little, "I bet your fine." I say and immediately regret it. Why would I say something like that? He probably thinks I'm creepy now. All he does is smile, "Well thanks you're probably good. You're in chorus right?" He asks and I nod, "yeah." Maybe I'm overreacting; he probably doesn't even realize how fast my heart is beating or how jittery I am. The next 30 or so minutes are spent figuring out exactly what we are going to do. "Okay I think we're good, lets go get it approved." He says.
We walk up to Mr. Abano's desk and he looks up, "ready?" he asks. "Yep." Danny says popping the p. "So I think we're going to do music in Spanish and like what is popular there." Danny tells Mr. Abano and Mr. Abano nods, "I think that's a very good idea, are you all going to sing or something." He asks. Danny nods, "yeah maybe, we haven't figured that part out yet." He says. Mr. Abano thinks for a second before responding, "I like it, you guys are all good. You can pack up now because the bell is about to ring." He says and we Danny and I walk away. "Wait Rose can you come here for a second please?" Mr. Abano calls. I hesitantly walk over to his Desk and stand in front of him, "Yes sir?" I ask wondering what he is going to talk to me about this time. "Do I look stupid to you?" He asks. I blink, "w-what? No sir not at all." I say confused. "Good, now look I may be hung over as hell but I'm not blind. You obviously feel strongly about Danny whether it be good or bad I just want to make sure your comfortable with him being your partner." He says bluntly. I stare at him dumbfounded, wow so it really was that obvious that I liked him. Well great Danny probably most definitely realized it then.
"Um, I'm fine it's all good. Thanks though." I say sounding more like a question than an answer. He nods, "okay then good. That's all, have a nice rest of the day Rose." He says. I smile a goodbye as I turn to grab my stuff. "You too sir." I say walking out of his room. Well that has got to be one of the weirdest conversations I've ever had with a teacher. I walk to my locker and pack up then remember I was supposed to meet Arebella at the chorus room. "Aw shit." I say and start to pick up my pace. I make it to the chorus room and she's waiting outside the door. "Hey where were you?" She asks as we walk in. "I was talking to a teacher" I respond nonchalantly not giving any details. We set our bags down on the tables behind the chairs and sit down in the second row. Mrs. Collins is writing something down and talking with a student when she looks up. "Oh hello girls, I assume you both are here for Allstate?" She questions. We both nod and she looks at the other student I assume to be an upper classman. "Hold on a second Mary, let me get these girls binders, it will only take a second." She walks over to the rows of cabinets and grabs two black binders from a box, "Here you both go. Now are either of you doing any sports or other conflicting things after school this semester?" She asks. I shake my head and so does Arebella. She smiles, "okay then we can meet whenever yall can, I'm here almost every day after school so just email me the day before and we can get schedule a time to practice after school." She says looking between Arebella and me. "Yeah I'm good with that." I say and Arebella nods, "Me too." She says. Mrs. Collins claps her hands together, "perfect, so excited for this year girls! Now if you don't mind I need to get back to Mary over here." She responds and we both thank her and leave. I start walking towards the front of the school, "Okay well my carpool is waiting in front of the gym so I'll text you later okay?" Arebella says. "Okay, see you later." I say and she walks off in the other direction. I continue to make my way to the parking lot and see Asher waiting for me in his car. I open the car door and climb in, "Hey sorry I had to speak with a teacher." I say apologizing for being late. "Okay." Asher says in response and drives off. After dropping off Michael and Sonny, we head home. We pull into the driveway and mom's car isn't there. "Oh yeah mom is at some girls night out or something gross like that." Asher says getting out of the car. I nod and grab my bag making my way to the front door.

Hey babes, this is kinda a really long ass chapter but it's leading up to a pretty awful one so get ready. I also suck at explaining things so I decided to become a writer, doesn't that make sense? lol anyway yall probably don't even read these cause I know I don't either.
Thanks so much for ready love yall so much!
-yours truly

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