Chapter 1

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Looking up at the old farmhouse that used to be her grandpa's, Bea sighed sadly. Her grandpa had died just over a year ago, and had left his farm to her in his will. It had taken her a whole year of working up the courage to quit her corporate job and make the move to Stardew Valley, and now she was here she was wondering if she had made a mistake. The house wasn't in bad shape, but the land that came with the farmhouse had definitely seen better days...

"So, what do you think? Not bad, eh?" came a voice from behind her. It was Lewis, the town Mayor.

Bea turned to face the small, grey haired man and feigned a smile.

"It's great" she said, not sounding as confident as she wanted to. "It's just going to be a big change from the city" she added to try cover the disappointment in her voice. She glanced again at the overgrown fields and decaying buildings.

"It doesn't look like much right now" Lewis admitted as he too looked out over the farmland. They stood together in silence for a while, Lewis twiddling at his moustache. "But" he suddenly quipped, "It didn't always look like this. And with some good old fashioned hard work, it will be back to its former glory. Maybe even better!" he turned and grinned at Bea, his fluffy grey moustache turning upwards as he smiled.

Bea smiled back and brushed a hand through her long, blonde hair. She wasn't sure what to think... She had such fond memories of coming here as a child, and all her memories reminded her that it was a beautiful place back then. But it wasn't beautiful right now. Weeds grew where crops once grew, branches and rocks littered the yard and Bea was surprised that the old rotten barn was even still standing. It really would be hard work to bring it back to what it once was.

Still sensing her uncertainty, Lewis gave Bea a friendly pat on the back as he stood beside her.

"You know, your grandpa was a good friend of mine. A very good friend. The whole town loved him, and we were sad to see him go. I still miss him..." he looked away for a moment, and Bea thought she saw him wipe away a tear. He sniffed before looking at her. "I know it's a big job, but your grandpa was certain you should be the one to take over."

Bea sighed again. She had always dreamed of living in the country and away from the hustle and bustle of the city. She had felt the weight of the city drop from her the moment she stepped off the bus into the Valley. Something about this place oozed magick and mystery, and she could feel deep down inside her a little voice telling her this is where she needed to be. Her soul needed to be here.

She looked at the small man in his brown flat-cap and grinned. "I'd better do my grandpa proud then."

Sebastian (A Stardew Valley fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now