Chapter 14

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The snow was falling heavily as the foursome made their way through Pelican Town, towards the path that lead them up the mountain, and it was quickly settling on the ground. Still, the four made the most of the snow as they merrily stumbled home, laughing and talking. Robin picked up some of the freshly fallen snow and tried to roll it into a ball to throw at Demetrius, only to slip and fall in the snow herself. Demetrius, being tipsy, let his fun side out, and took the opportunity to get revenge while Robin was sat in the floor laughing. He picked up and armful of snow and dumped it on her head, before also slipping and falling next to her. The couple howled with laughter, and Sebastian watched and smiled. He can't remember ever seeing his mum and Demetrius having fun like this. He wondered if this is what they were like on their usual walks home from the Saloon. It wasnt very often that Sebastian ever spent any time with them. He looked over at Wren, who was laughing at the couple. She saw him looking at her, and gave him a cheeky look before bending down to scoop up her own snowball.

"Don't even think about it" Sebastian grinned at her "You don't want me to throw you in the snow, you would freeze in that dress" and he glanced down at Wrens barely covered legs. Luckily she had brought a jacket with her so her top half was sheltered from the elements, but the snow was quickly soaking through it. She grinned back at him wickedly, and threw the snowball behind him instead, sticking her tongue out at him. He had to stop himself from grabbing hold of her and having a taste of her cute, pink tongue. He had been completely captivated by her tonight, and all he could think about was what it would be like to kiss her. The two helped Robin and Demetrius back to their feet and they once again started making their way up the mountain.

After a few more minutes of walking Demetrius turned to the group. "The snow is getting quite bad now, I think it might be a good idea if Bea stayed at our house tonight. It's much too dangerous to be walking down the mountain alone at night, let alone in this weather. And especially after... You know" and he gestured to Robin.

"That's a great idea Dem!" Robin agreed, turning to look at Wren. "What do you think? You could sleep down in Sebs room with him if your both comfortable with that? He has a pull out sofa bed so you don't need to share a bed with him or anything" she said, shooting Sebastian a quick wink. He blushed but waited to see how Wren would respond to the idea. Robin carried on "He can always sleep on the sofa in the living room if you're uncomfortable, I just thought because you both smoke you might want to stay in the smokers room. Also, Maru will be asleep so we can't set up a spare bed in her room or we will wake her up."

Sebastian thought he saw Wren blush just a little bit before she replied..
"If you are sure it's OK and Sebastian doesn't mind?"

Sebastian could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Was she asking if he minded if she slept in his room? Of course he didn't fucking mind, he couldn't believe his luck. His mind raced with what could happen if they both spent the night in the same room together. But he tried to play it cool infront of Wren and his mother and step father. "Yeah, that's cool with me. We can have a smoke and listen to music or something?" he replied.

"That sounds awesome" Wren replied back, flashing him a smile that seemed to warm him from the cold a bit.

They made their way slowly up the mountain, the snow showing no signs of stopping. After what seemed like hours, they finally reached the big house in the mountains. They piled inside, all wet and shivering from their journey in the snow. Robin and Demetrius decided to go straight to bed so said goodnight to the young pair and made their way up the hallway to their bedroom, giggling like a couple of teenagers. Sebastian and Wren looked at each other and stifled a laugh before making their way down the stairs into the basement. Once they were in his room, Sebastian shut the door and turned to face Wren. They were both soaked from the snow and he could see that she was shivering, although she didn't complain. He offered her a t shirt of his to wear, and she accepted, and went to his small bathroom to change into his old Metallica tee. Sebastian also changed his clothes, putting on a black t shirt and grey jogging bottoms. He sat on the sofa and cleared a space for Wren to sit when she came back, and started to roll a couple of joints. He was excited to get her to himself all night, and was wondering whether he should pluck up the courage to make a move. He decided to see how things went first. After all, it was only just past 10PM, he had plenty of time to  see where things went. He was just happy to spend time with her. He heard the bathroom door open and looked up to see Wren walk back in wearing his Metallica top. She still had her black stockings and little bat garters on, and the tee was so short on her it barely covered her butt. Sebastian could see her tattoo better now, a simple flower vine that snaked around her thigh and carried up past the hem of his top. He wondered how far up her body that tattoo trailed. He knew he was staring at her, but she looked so good wearing his top he just had to take a moment to appreciate it. She smiled coyly at him, and slowly walked over to join him on the sofa, never breaking eye contact with him. As she sat down, the t-shirt rose up enough that he actually saw the lace of her underwear peeking out of the bottom. He quickly averted his eyes, not wanting her to think he was a pervert, and offered her one of the joints he had rolled. She accepted gratefully, and lit it, enhaling the earthy smoke. Sebastian also lit up a joint, and the two sat making small talk for a while. Sebastian couldn't tell if it was the sexual tension in the air, but they both seemed a little on edge. He decided a drink might calm them both down, as they had sobered up a bit on the walk home. He rummaged in his cupboard and found a bottle of whiskey that he had received for his birthday last year and poured them both a glass before joining Wren on the sofa again.

The two had just started talking about movies they enjoyed when Sebastians phone started to ring. Abigail. He winced, and ignored the call.

"Ignoring that call are you?" Wren laughed at him, her face flushed and Sebastian guessed it was either from the cold or the alcohol.

He pulled a face. "It's Abigail" he sighed, looking at the floor. Wren studied him for a moment.

"What's the deal with you two anyway? Did you guys date or something?" Wren asked. Bea might be too shy to ask him these kind of questions, but Wren wasn't, and this was her chance to find out what the weird energy between them was about. Sebastian looked at her and gave her an awkward side-smile.

"She's not my ex, she's a fucking lunatic" he laughed. He explained how Abigail had had a big crush on him for years, and how it had gotten progressively worse. "It didn't help that we had a drunken one night stand once" he admitted. "It was just a drunken thing though, but it just made her more obsessed with me" he said. He told Wren how she had made him miserable over the years by ringing him constantly and turning up at the house whenever she felt like it. "She just won't leave me alone and I think she thinks one day I'll just give in and ask her out, but she'll be waiting a long time before that happens" he said, taking a big toke of his joint.

"Why doesn't she just ask you out if she's that desperate to be with you?" Wren laughed.

"Because she knows I'll say no" Sebastian grinned. "But she thinks if she is with me all the time, eventually I will wake up one day and magically be in love with her. She doesn't realise that it just makes me dislike her more." he said. As he spoke his phone started ringing again. "See what I mean? She won't stop ringing until I answer or she falls asleep." he shook his head and laughed, once again ignoring the phone call.

Wren laughed too. "Sounds like she has it bad for you" she said to Sebastian. She leant down to put her drink on the floor and once again the short top she was wearing raised to reveal a glimpse of her black lace underwear. Sebastian felt an all-too-familiar twinge in his pants, and shuffled awkwardly to distract himself.

"Yeah, why do you think she has such a problem with you? She doesn't like another girl talking to me" he said and rolled his eyes. Wren laughed at this.

"You can't be serious?"

"I am" Sebastian replied. "Haven't you ever noticed how she tries to pull me away from you?"

Wren laughed. "Are you friends with her on facebook?" she asked. As she spoke, Sebastians phone buzzed again, this time it was Abigail messaging him asking why he wasn't answering his phone.

"Yeah why?" Sebastian said, reading the message but not replying.

"I think it would be funny to take a selfie together and post it on facebook and see how she reacts" Wren said, a wicked smirk on her face. Sebastian loved the mischievous glint in her eye as she suggested it, and it somehow made her even more attractive to him.

Sebastian laughed. "Fuck it, let's do it. She's pissed me off for years so it would be funny to make her mad for once" he said. Wren got out her phone and she leant into Sebastian, posing with her tongue sticking out and doing the peace sign. Sebastian pulled a cute emo-scowl, it's the only thing he could manage to do with Wren leaning in so close to him like that. He could smell the scent of her perfume again and it was intoxicating. Wren snapped the picture and looked at it, commenting on how cute they looked. She then posted the picture on Facebook with the caption "Thankyou to everyone that came to support us tonight, we had an amazing night!" and made sure to tag Sebastian in it. She put her phone back down on the table.

"And now we wait to see how she reacts" Wren giggled.

"I give it 5 minutes before she rings" Sebastian said. He offered Wren his bag of pot and told her to roll herself another joint while he put some music on. He chose a classic rock playlist, and sat back on the sofa just in time for his phone to start ringing. "What did I tell you?" said Sebastian. "It's been 7 minutes since you updated your status" and they both laughed. Abigail rang a total of 4 times before the messages came through.

"Where are you? Are you with that farmer girl?"

"I told you she would be mad" Sebastian laughed. He looked down at his phone as another message came through.

"Why is she wearing your shirt?"

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