Chapter 7

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Rushing to get his shoes on, Sebastian panicked. Demetrius had come knocking on his bedroom door asking if he had heard from his mother. She had messaged him hours ago saying she was on her way home but never turned up. Sebastian was worried. He didn't always see eye to eye with his family, but he did love them, and he would be crushed if anything happened to any of them. He quickly sent a text to Bea, asking if Robin was still at the farm, but he didn't even wait for a reply before setting off out of the front door with Demetrius following behind.

"You stay here Maru, in case she comes back" Demetrius said to his daughter, Sebastians half-sister. "Let us know if she turns up.

The pair set off walking down the mountain path, shouting for Robin. Sebastian had an awful feeling in the pit of his stomach. It wasn't like his mum to dissappear. He checked his phone to see if Bea had messaged him back but there was no reply. He stuffed his phone back into his hoodie pocket and began shouting for his mum. The mountain path could be dangerous in the dark, so the pair had to go slowly, twisting their way down the winding road. As they walked, a cold rain started to fall.

"ROBIN? ROBINNN!" Demetrius shouted, but all they heard was his own voice echoing back to him. By now the time was almost 11PM, and it had been almost 6 hours since anyone had last heard from Robin. They carried on down the path, searching for the carpenter the whole time. As they neared a bend in the road, Sebastian saw something yellow laying in the path.

"Mum!" he shouted, and set off running towards the yellow mass in the road. As he neared, he saw his mum laying motionless on the path, her yellow coat ripped and muddy. She had a bad cut to her head that was bleeding. "Demetrius, get Dr Harvey. NOW!"


Half an hour later, Sebastian and Demetrius were sat in the waiting room of Dr Harvey's clinic. The doctor had wasted no time coming to help, and between the three of them, they had managed to carry Robin down the mountain and to the surgery. Now, Demetrius and Sebastian sat nervously awaiting news from the Doctor. After what seemed like hours, the frail face of Dr Harvey appeared in the waiting room. "So, she is pretty banged up, but luckily she isn't hurt too seriously. She might have a mild concussion, but after a few days rest she should be well again. She's awake now, if you would like to see her?"

They followed the doctor down the hall and into a small room on the right. There, Robin lay in a hospital bed with her head bandaged. She smiled weakly at them, but Sebastian could see she was in pain.

" What happened my love?" Demetrius asked, rushing to her side. Usually hearing him say that to his mum would have made Sebastians stomach turn, but he was just so relieved that she was OK that he let the comment pass without judgment.

"I was walking home from the farm when something jumped out and attacked me" she said. She explained that as she walked up the mountain, a black figure had jumped out of the bushes, knocking her to the floor. She said she tried to fight back, but the shadowy creature grabbed her bag of tools and struck her in the head with it. "The next thing I knew, I woke up here" she finished, wincing with the pain in her head.

"It must have come out of the mines" Demetrius said angrily. "Someone needs to go down there and sort it out. I will phone Marlon first thing in the morning and report it, maybe he can do some sweeps of the mines and find the little fucker that did this to you"

Sebastian was surprised to hear that language coming out of his usually very well-to-do stepfather, and he couldn't help but chuckle. It sounded so wrong coming out of Demetrius' mouth. He approached the side of the bed and leant in to give his mum a gentle hug. "I'm glad your OK mum" he said softly. She smiled at him, her tired eyes shining through the bruises. They sat with her for another 15 minutes, until Dr Harvey came back in to tell them to let Robin rest, and that she could come back home in the morning. They said their goodbyes to Robin, and set off home in the dark.

The two men walked together in silence for most of the journey. Sebastian had never really bonded with Demetrius, and it occurred to him that he had never spent this much time alone with him. They trudged up the mountain, Demetrius walking ahead and Sebastian following close behind. Sebastian felt bad for treating Demetrius badly over the years, he had seen tonight just how much Demetrius and his mum loved each other as they cradled each other in the hospital room. He thought about saying something to Demetrius, but he didn't know what to say, so instead he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. As they neared the house, Sebastian flicked the cigarette butt to the floor and cleared his throat. "Thankyou for tonight Demetrius."

Demetrius looked at the pale young man infront of him and smiled wearily. "I would do anything for her and this family" he smiled. "That includes you" and with that he patted Sebastian on the shoulder and made his way through the dark house to his room. Sebastian watched him stumble down the dark hallway before he descended the stairs to his room. He collapsed on his bed, too exhausted to even smoke a joint. He pulled out his phone to check the time. Almost 3AM. Staying up this late was nothing new for Sebastian, but tonight had drained him of energy and all he could think of was sleep. He tossed his phone on the floor before passing out into a deep sleep.

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