Chapter 6

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"All finished! And it's just turned 5 o'clock, perfect"

Robin climbed down from the roof of the newly constructed barn. She wiped the sweat from her brow and stood back to admire her work. It had been a few months since Bea had originally hired her to work on the barn, but after discovering that it was in worse shape than they initially thought, they had agreed that Robin would tear down the old barn and build a new one from scratch. And it was finally finished. Just in time too, as the winter was fast approaching.

"Oh Robin, it looks amazing!" Bea said as she looked at the red, wooden building. It was everything she had imagined. "I can actually get some animals and start looking like a real farmer" she grinned.

Robin smiled back, her red hair sticking to the sweat on her forehead. She did a slow walk around the barn, admiring her work and making sure everything was in order. Once she was satisfied she walked back over to Bea, and the two stood for a few moments drinking in the beauty of the new building. It was big enough to have a couple of cows and sheep. Maybe even a goat or two. Robin had even installed heaters to keep the animals warm in the approaching winter. She had really pulled out all the stops, and Bea was amazed at the craftsmanship. Robin did her job, and boy did she do it well! Robin was still swooning over her work as Bea went into the farmhouse to make them both a cup of tea. When she came back out, Robin was sat on the porch swing, proudly admiring her work. Bea handed her a steaming cup of tea and took a seat in the porch swing. The two ladies sat in silence for a while looking out over the farmland, listening to the sound of the birds overhead.

Bea smiled. She was starting to feel right at home in the valley. She had been here for a few months now and was slowly learning how to run her farm. She had made a few friends in town, and she had even spent a couple more nights hanging at the pub with Sebastian and Sam. Abigail was usually there too, but Pierre was a strict father and she was sometimes forbidden from going out. Bea liked it when Abigail wasn't there. She still made rude comments to Bea and gave her dirty looks whenever she could. Bea also noticed how much she clung to Sebastian whenever Bea entered the room, to which Sebastian always shrugged her off.

Bea felt that fuzzy feeling in her stomach thinking about Sebastian. Getting to know him a little more over the last few weeks only made her like him more, and she got the feeling he liked her too. He had messaged her the day after their first meeting at the pub telling her she could message him anytime she needed some weed, and she had used the chance to meet up with him a couple of times since then. Usually he was with Sam and Abigail, but one night they had met and he was alone. That night they had both sat on the trail between the farm and the mountain and smoked a joint between them, just talking and looking at the stars. It had been amazing spending some time just the two of them, but unfortunately their meeting didnt last long, as Sebastian had to go back home to work. Bea smiled remembering that night, and wishing they'd had more time together.

A loud "ping" cut through her thoughts, and she came back to reality to find Robin standing up with her phone in her hands. "That's Demetrius telling me our dinner is in the oven" she said. "It's been fun working here Bea, please let me know if you need anymore work doing, I'll be more than happy to help. For a price" she added with a wink.

"Actually, I was hoping I could hire you to fix up the coop next" Bea said, pointing to the crumbling old chicken coop across the yard. It didn't look much like a chicken coop anymore, with half of the roof missing and the inside filling up with the falling autumn leaves. Bea was pretty sure she had seen a rat running in there once, and had adopted a cat, Lucifer, to scare it off. "Can't have a proper farm without a few hens can I?"

Robin walked over to the old coop and cast a professional eye over it. "The whole thing might have to come down like the barn did" she said, pausing to read another message on her phone. "That's Demetrius again, he says I better be home in ten minutes or he's eating my portion" she chuckled. "Come up to the workshop tomorrow morning and we will figure out a plan for the coop." And with that, she picked up her tools, waved goodbye to Bea and set off on the walk back home, whistling a tune and kicking up the autumn leaves as she went. Bea waved back cheerily, and turned to look at the barn once again. She felt a huge sense of accomplishment. She had a brand new barn just waiting to be used and she had successfully grown, and even sold a few crops. She had even made her own scarecrow, which wasn't pretty, but she loved him none the less. And pretty soon she would have a new chicken coop and a few baby chicks pecking around. She smiled to herself and went indoors.

After a shower and something to eat, Bea rolled herself a joint and decided to just relax in bed and watch some TV. She was exhausted from a day of chopping wood and helping Robin out with the finishing touches on the barn. Bea pulled out her phone and looked at the time. "It's not even 9PM and I'm already in bed" she laughed to herself. She would usually stay up until 1AM, smoking and listening to music, but tonight she just couldn't keep her eyes open. By 9.30 she was already in a deep sleep. She was sleeping so soundly, she never heard the message from Sebastian pop through.

"Hey, is my mum still at yours? She hasn't come home yet..."

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