Chapter 3

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Sebastian groaned as he turned his computer off. He'd just finished work for the day and he needed a break from staring at the screen. He stood up and stretched, his long black hair falling over one eye. He pushed it back out of his face and made his way to the kitchen for some food. As he made his way up the stairs from his basement bedroom, his phone pinged with a message.

"Dude, u should see the new farmer chick, she's fucking hot!"

It was his best friend Sam. Sebastian put the phone back in his pocket without replying. Sam thought every chick he met was hot so this wasn't big news. Sebastian made himself a microwave pizza and headed back down to his basement retreat. He spent a lot of time down here on his own. He was a bit of a loner, even being the self proclaimed "outcast of the family", and spent most of his days in his room working from his computer. He felt ashamed to still be living in his mums basement at 25, but he just couldn't get enough work to be able to afford his own place. His mum, Robin, had done her best to turn the basement into his own living area. She had even had a bathroom put in down there for him so he felt like he had his own space, but it still wasn't the same as actually having his own place. As he munched on the pizza, another message pinged through on his phone.

"Have you finished work yet?"

Sebastian scowled at the phone before sighing and replying.

"I've just finished, I'm just eating"

He threw the phone on the sofa beside him and resumed eating his pizza.

"You said you would be finished at 5, and it's nearly half past" another message pinged through almost instantly.

Sebastian ignored it this time. He just couldn't deal with Abigail right now. The purple-haired daughter of Pierre had had a huge crush on him for years, and after a drunken night together it had only fuelled her obsession with him. She was always messaging him and turning up unannounced and Sebastian hated it. It's not that she was bad looking girl, in fact, she was very pretty. But her personality was very ugly, and Sebastian had only realised that once it was too late. She'd had a taste of him, and she wanted more, and she was relentless in her persuing of him. Sebastian wasn't interested in her romantically at all, but felt sorry for her so tried to keep her happy but stay in the friend zone at all times.

"I'm meeting Sam then we will be up at yours xxx" another message came through.

"Great" Sebastian said to himself. He would rather just sit and get stoned on his own if he was being honest, but he knew how stubborn Abigail was, and that even if he told her not to she would show up. He rolled a joint, lit it and took a long drag. He wished something interesting would happen in this town for once. It seemed like the only exciting thing in his life was riding his motorcycle to the edge of the valley and looking out at the brightness of Zuzu City, as he did most nights.

As he smoked there was a light knock at the door. He shouted for whoever it was to come in, and the door opened as his mum walked in. Her red hair was tied up in a ponytail, and she had her yellow jacket on that usually meant she was on work business.

"Hey Sebby" she said as she walked in, her eyes stinging with the smoke. She gave an exaggerated cough. "Don't you ever think about quitting this stuff? It's so bad for you... I really should've thought about putting some windows down here"

"What do you want mum?" Sebastian asked, still smoking his joint. He knew his mum wasn't being too serious. After all, she had been crazy back in her day. Robin wafted a hand infront of her face playfully as if wafting the smoke away.

"I'm just coming to let you know I'm heading down to the old farm to speak to the new farmer about some building work, I wondered if you wanted to come down and meet her? Lewis said she's about your age" Robin said with a sparkle in her eyes "She might be cute" she grinned.

Sebastian looked at his mother and rolled his eyes. He didn't even have to say anything, Robin knew his answer was no. She shook her head in mock disappointment. "Well, I guess you'll just never meet anyone new and end up with Abigail" Robin said with a sly grin on her face.

Sebastian scowled in Robins direction and gave her a look of disgust. "You know she's fucking crazy, don't even joke about it" he growled. Robin laughed. She turned and closed the door, leaving him sat alone once again. He leaned back in his seat and inhaled the last few drags of his spliff as he shuddered at what his mum said. "Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to meet this new girl?" He stood up and stretched, his black hoodie rising up and showing a flash of his slim, toned stomach. He grabbed his cigarettes, lighter and his phone and decided to head out and meet his friends outside.

Once they had all met, the group decided to hang out at the nearby lake. Abigail was already being irritating, trying to get Sebastians attention, but he was trying to ignore her as much as he could. He looked out over the peaceful lake as Abigail flirted with Sam, glancing over occasionally to see if Sebastian was looking. She always did stuff like this, trying to make Sebastian jealous. It didn't work, he was far from jealous. He actually felt quite sorry for Sam, because he was gullible enough to believe he was in with a chance with her, but Sebastian knew she was only interested in him. Sam played up to Abigails flirting, throwing rocks into the lake and acting like a fool to impress her. Sebastian just sat and smoked under a tree and watched. He wished again that something interesting would happen for once.

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