Chapter 10

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The night of the fundraiser had rolled around quicker than Bea expected. Her and Robin had worked non-stop getting things organised, and with Gus' help the Saloon was ready to receive the nights entertainment. As they stood admiring the stage that Robin had managed to piece together, Bea felt a rush of excitement. The guys from the band had already arrived and were bringing in equipment ready to set up for the show, and she was excited to be back with them again. These guys had been her best friends back in Zuzu City, but after the band seperated and everyone got busy with their own lives, they found it hard to see each other.

Adam, the lead guitarist, had been Beas friend since childhood. The two of them had grown up on the same street and had done everything together as kids. They had met the other two, Rob and Chegg (who's real name was Scott, but no one ever called him that) at school, along with Adams wife Flora. If Bea didn't know any better she could've sworn they were brothers. Each of them tall, with big grizzly beards and tattoos and dark hair. Only Chegg didn't have long hair, instead choosing to go for a classic mohawk. Bea felt instantly comforted being around them. She had missed them.

"That's everything out of the van" Rob said, carrying the last box on from the van. "I'm starving now though, anywhere we can get some grub?" he asked, looking over at Gus and Robin. Gus' eyes lit up, and he wasted no time in telling the group what delights the Saloon could cook up for them. As Gus and Robin went to cook the food, Bea and the guys started catching up with each other and discussing the show they had planned for tonight. Bea found out that Adam and Flora were planning on trying for a baby and that Chegg had been accepted into a very prestigious music school. Rob had opened up his own tattoo studio, and Bea, obviously, had the farm. A lot had changed since the bad had parted ways, but tonight was going to be like old times again.

"Have you told everyone about Wren yet?" Rob asked Bea.

Bea pulled a face. "No I haven't... And to be honest, I think they'll be surprised when they meet her." she grinned. Wren was a persona, a fake personality, that Bea had made up when they formed the band to help get over her fear of singing infront of a big crowd.  She pretended to be someone else, literally. Wren was loud, confident and seductive, unlike Bea who was pretty quiet. Wren didn't fear singing infront of people like Bea did. Wren was a mask that helped Bea become more confident, fiesty and a better performer when she was on stage. She wondered what Sebastian would think of her, and hoped he was prepared for the completely different person she became onstage.

Gus appeared with meals for the hungry men, who ate with gusto, praising Gus for the delicious food. Gus beamed with pride, he always love when people complimented his cooking. After the guys had eaten they  agreed with Bea that they would meet back at the Saloon at 5PM to set up for the show, which started at 6. They said their goodbyes, and Bea and Robin left as Gus ushered the men to the rooms they had rented for the night.

"Do you think it would be a good idea if you came to my house to get ready and we can come down to the Saloon together tonight?" Robin asked Bea as they got outside. Bea agreed that it sounded like a good idea, so the two women set off towards the farmhouse so Bea could grab the stuff she needed. It was a particularly cold day, and as they chatted their voices caused clouds of steam to raise up in the air, slowly disappearing behind them.

"Thanks again for doing this for me Bea, I don't even know how to thank you" Robin said as they approached the farmhouse.

"You don't need to thank me Robin, I'm happy to help!" Bea smiled at her. She opened the front door and held it open for a Robin, inviting her inside. "Plus, if you don't get some new tools how will I ever get my new chicken coop?" she laughed.

Robin chuckled as she entered the house. "That's true!" she grinned. She followed Bea into the kitchen and took a seat at the table as Bea rushed around getting everything she needed for tonight. "I can tell Sebastian has been getting your weed for you, your kitchen smells just like his bedroom" she laughed.

"Oh, sorry about that" Bea grinned back sheepishly.

"Dont apologise Bea, I was young once too you know." Robin winked. "Besides, Sebastian always seems a little happier when sees you so I don't mind at all"

Bea blushed at the mention of Sebastian. She tried to turn away and hide it, but she was pretty sure Robin had already figured out that she liked him. She did ask about him quite a lot after all... But her cheeks flushed at Robins comment. He was happy to see her? Did that mean that he liked her? She must have taken to long to respond because Robin spoke again.

"I can't say I blame him, after all the years that Abigail has pestered him, he tries to avoid her. That's why he's always locked in his bedroom. I bet he's glad to see a pretty new face in town" Robin went on, picking idly at her nails. She glanced up to see Beas blushing red cheeks and chuckled. "I'm sorry, I'm being a cringey mum" she smiled. She waited for Bea to gather everything she needed, then the two left the farmhouse and set off up the mountain path towards the Carpenters shop.


The afternoon passed pretty quickly, and soon it was time for Bea to meet with the band at the Saloon. Her and Robin had agreed to go down together, so they could all go through the nights plan once again, and Robin could be ready to collect tickets on the door when people turned up. They were just getting the last things they needed before setting off down to the Saloon. Bea was waiting to get to the Saloon before changing and getting ready for the night, and was making sure she had her makeup and everything else she needed in the huge duffel bag she had brought with her.

"Sorry I can't make it tonight mum, but I'm up super early for my shift at the doctors" Marus voice came from the doorway. "It's a shame I won't be able to see you perform Bea, but good luck!" she smiled.

"That's OK honey, a good nights sleep is more important! Besides, your dad and Sebastian are coming down to show their support, aren't you Sebastian?" Robin said, turning to look at Sebastian, who was sat on a chair in the corner. He nodded.

"Yeah, Sam is gonna be here any minute, he's coming with us too" he replied. Right on queue, Sam walked through the door. He greeted Sebastian with a handshake, grinned at Bea and Robin, then slumped himself down in the chair next to Sebastian.

"Hey man. Abigail said she's gonna meet us at the Saloon" he said to Sebastian. Bea noticed Sebastian screw up his nose at Abigails name and roll his eyes. She thought she saw him glance at her, but it was so quick she couldn't be sure. "Looking forward to seeing you up there tonight Bea!" Sam said cheerily to her.

"It won't be me" she smiled back.

"You said that before, what do you mean?" Sebastian asked, puzzled.

Bea laughed. "I have a persona" she smiled. "It's not Bea on stage, I become Wren. She's a bit different to Bea."

"You mean like Lady Gaga?" Sam asked.

"Kinda like that." Bea giggled. "You'll see soon enough. We'd better get going or we won't have time to get ready and set up. Is it OK if I leave my handbag here Robin? I don't want it I get lost at the Saloon" she turned to Robin, who nodded as she picked up her bags and motioned to leave it behind the counter in the workshop. She turned back and grinned at Sebastian. "See you tonight then?"

Sebastian nodded "See you tonight." he watched as his mum and the pretty, golden haired farmer left the carpenter shop and down the mountain path. "A persona?" he thought to himself intrigued. He found himself actually excited to go tonight, even if Abigail was going to be there.

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