Chapter 15

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Wren looked at Sebastian with an amused look on her face. "Oops, I forgot I was wearing your shirt" she said, stifling a laugh. She looked to see Sebastians reaction, but he was also laughing.

"Man, she's gonna be furious. She will be thinking we've done something" he laughed, glancing at her. Wren grinned cheekily at him.

"Oh yeah, like what?" she asked, pulling an innocent face. Sebastians cheeks flushed a little and he laughed.

"You know what." he quipped back. "It will be driving her crazy thinking we're getting it on. She really will hate you now"

"Why does she have a problem with me?" Wren laughed. "Anyway, this is still Wren were dealing with, and she's had problems with Bea since she moved here."

Sebastian looked her in the eyes, he suddenly looked very intense and it took her by surprise. "Because you're everything she isn't" he replied seriously. "You're talented, funny, a nice person and you're absolutely gorgeous, of course she hates you. She's crazy jealous of you." he said matter of factly. Wren wondered if he realised he had just called her gorgeous. She smiled at him, that was all the proof she needed that he did like her.

" Are you talking about Wren or Bea here? "she asked.

" Both of you" Sebastian answered in a beat. He glanced at his phone as it started ringing again, but turned straight back to look at Wren again. "I know it sounds awful, but I'm glad this is stressing her out. You don't know how bad she's made me feel over the years. This feels like petty revenge." He smiled at her again and took a sip of his whiskey. Wren took a sip of her own, observing the dark haired man sat next to her. Didn't he know he was gorgeous himself? She watched him for a moment, drinking him in.

"Want to do something that will make her really mad?" Wren asked him almost in a whisper. She looked up at him, her blue eyes gazing into his deep, dark green ones. He smiled at her and leant forward, putting his glass on the table infront of him.

"Oh yeah, like what?" he said, raising an eyebrow. Without wasting another second, Wren leant forward and gently placed a kiss on his lips. He kissed her back, softly and she couldn't help but melt into it. At that same moment, Sebastians phone started to buzz on the table, and Wren glanced to see Abigails name flashing on the screen. She pulled away from the kiss, biting Sebastians bottom lip ever so gently as she did.

"She must've felt a disturbance in the force" Wren said, grinning. Suddenly, Sebastian pulled her back into another kiss. This time it was more urgent, passionate. He wrapped his arms around her waist and with one quick move he had pulled her onto his lap so she was now sitting on him and facing him. She was surprised  how quickly and confidently he moved, she wasn't even sure how he managed to get her from where she was sat on the sofa to sitting on his lap, but she didn't have long to ponder as Sebastians hands trailed up her back, placing one behind her neck and pulling her in for another kiss. She leant into it, kissing him back hungrily. She could feel his excitement growing underneath her, and she slowly began to push herself down to rub against his stiffening manhood. A small gasp escaped her lips as Sebastian placed his free hand on her hip and used his fingers to trace the line of her underwear. This seemed to excite him, as once again he grabbed her by the waist and somehow managed to pull himself up from the sofa while still holding onto her. Without breaking the kiss, he carried her over to a chest of drawers where he slowly sat her down. Wren groaned as he pulled away from the her, and she opened her eyes to see him take a step back and look at her. He took his hand and placed it on her leg, slowly drawing it up closer to the growing wet patch in her underwear. His eyes watched hers the entire time, and she gazed back into his just as intently. She was surprised to see how confident and dominant he was, considering he was usually a quiet guy.

"I've wanted to do this for so long" he said. His voice was almost a whisper, but she could hear the urgency in it. She nodded weakly at him, she had wanted this for a long time too. He leant in to kiss her again and used one hand to pull her knickers aside, and the other one to release his now fully erect penis from the confines of his pants. He slowly rubbed the tip of it against her soft, sensitive clit, and they both moaned softly as they experienced the first touch. Sebastian kept slowly rubbing himself against her until she was wet enough for him to easily slip in. He pushed gently at first, and Wren opened her eyes to see him once again watching hers, enjoying watching her face as he slowly pushed his length inside her. He was quite well endowed, and Wren groaned softly as he slowly filled her up.

Sebastian gazed into her eyes for a moment longer, before leaning himself forward and kissing her, slowly starting to thrust in and out of her. She kissed him back, fuelled by passion, and she moaned through his kisses in pleasure. He put his hands underneath her, and lifted her from where she sat and effortlessly carried her to the bed where he threw her down with enough force that she knew he had been completely taken over by lust. He leant over her and slowly pulled the Metallica t-shirt up over her head and cast it onto the floor. He stood up and pulled his own t-shirt off, revealing a toned body with a small line of dark hair that started below his belly button and trailed down to his generously sized dick. Wren drank him in, excitement rushing through her at the thought of him studying her naked body. This was like his own persona, a side of Sebastian Wren had never thought could exist. There was nothing shy about him now, as he stood naked infront of her, gazing down at her body. But this want a persona, this was all Sebastian.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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