Chapter 4

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Shaking hands with the rough-handed  woman, Bea smiled. She had just hired Robin to fix up some of the farm buildings, starting with the barn. She felt a sense of accomplishment, however tiny it was, she was slowly starting to get things done. She had planted the parsnip seeds that Pierre had given her into starter pots, and she had spent the previous day removing debris on the farm and clearing out weeds. It was hard work, definitely a lot harder work than what she was used to at her old job, but the satisfaction of seeing the small change was enough to get her heart swelling with pride for herself. She was doing it! She was being a farmer! And now she had contracted someone to fix up the barn, she could soon get some livestock and really start trying to make a living. Luckily she had enough money saved in her bank to last her a while. Once she received the letter about her grandpa's passing, and her inheritance of the farm, she had started putting money aside for if she ever did decide to take the plunge and become a farmer. Good job she did too, the quote to fix the barn was more than she was expecting.

"I'll start first thing tomorrow!" Robin said cheerily as she took one last look at the old, half rotten barn. "It's probably gonna take a while, so you better get used to seeing my face. I'll be here early, and I like my coffee strong!" she looked at her watch and pulled a face. "I'd better get back home, it's almost 5.30 and Demetrius is making dinner tonight"

Bea hadn't noticed the time. It was later than she thought, and the mention of food made her stomach growl. "Thanks for this Robin, I can't wait to see the barn when it's finished!" Her stomach growled again. "I think I'm gonna treat myself and go to the Saloon for dinner, I haven't been yet but I hear they do amazing food."

"Gus is an amazing cook!" Robin replied as she gathered her bag ready to leave. "See you in the morning Bea, it's been a pleasure to meet you" she was about to set off walking when she stopped and turned to look at Bea. "My son will probably be at the Saloon tonight, you should introduce yourself. He's the moody looking one with the long black hair" she laughed before waving goodbye and leaving Bea stood looking out over the fields.


"That omelette was amazing Gus, it really hit the spot!" Bea said licking her lips. She pushed her plate back across the bar to the portly, brown haired man behind the bar. He beamed with the praise and took the plate, handing it to a young woman with blue hair who was also working behind the bar.

" You know, I remember your grandpa bringing you in here when you were just a little girl" he smiled, wiping the bar down with a damp cloth. "He was a great man, I'm glad to see you are doing him proud."

Bea made smalltalk with the locals at the bar, feeling better about her choice to move by the minute. It had seemed really daunting at first, moving from the city to make it as a farmer in a small town. And it still was... But now that she had started making some progress on the farm, she was feeling more and more confident in herself. As she chatted to a very intoxicated woman called Pam, she heard a familiar voice.

"Hey farmer girl!"

She turned to see Sam stood next to her at the bar. "Nice to see you again" he grinned. "Me and they guys are playing pool in the next room, wanna come meet everyone? I'll buy you a drink." he didn't wait for an answer as he told Gus to get him the drinks. He gestured for Bea to follow him and she obliged, following him out of the crowded main room, into a smaller side room. This room was like a games room, with a few dusty arcade machines against one wall, and a huge pool table in the middle. Bea glanced around, she didn't remember this room being here when she was a kid.

"Hey guys, this is the new farmer girl! She's gonna come have a drink with us" Sam announced as they walked into the dimly lit room. It smelled like stale alcohol and cigarettes, and wasn't anything like the fancy bars back in the city. This was a proper pub, one where local people would come for a Sunday lunch and stay to watch the racing. It was different, but good different. She never liked the intensity of the clubs and bars back home.

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