Chapter 9

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It had been a few days since Robins attack, but you wouldn't know it to look at her. In fact, since Bea had thought of a way to raise the money for the new tools, Sebastian had never seen his mother more motivated to get something done. The past few days the house had been buzzing with excitement, as the plan for the fundraiser came together.

Sebastians joke about Sam playing a show for the fundraiser had given Bea the idea to ask her old band mates to reform for the night to raise money. The band members had accepted, and Gus had agreed to let them use the Saloon for the fundraiser. The event was happening in 2 weeks time, and there was a mad rush to get things ready. Sebastian had offered to make some posters on his computer and hang them around town, and as he printed them out he found himself quite excited for the night to come. Bea had refused to tell them pretty much anything about the band. All he knew was that she sang, and the band had quite a big fan base back in Zuzu City. She had said she was a different person when she sang, and that just made him more intrigued. He had thought about trying to look them up online, but decided against it and told himself he would wait to see on the night. He finished printing the posters and took them upstairs to Robins workshop, where he found his mum and Bea talking excitedly to each other.

Bea had been spending a lot of time here planning out the fundraiser with Robin, and Sebastian was enjoying getting to see her everyday. He had started making more regular trips to the kitchen just to get a look at her. She had been here a few months now, and although they had hung out a few times, he still didn't know if she felt the same way about him. But he hadn't stopped thinking of her since the first night they met at the pub. Just as he was about show his mum and Bea the posters, the shop door opened, and in strutted Abigail. Sebastian groaned to himself. It was great getting to see Bea everyday, but the bad thing was that Abigail was also turning up more frequently. She didn't like the fact that Bea was spending so much time at Sebastians home, so she was making sure to spend as much time between them as she could. Over the months, Abigail had not grown any fonder of Bea, and would constantly find ways to bitch about her to Sebastian.

"Hey Sebastian" she squealed as she laid eyes on him. She walked up and gave him a hug, staring at Bea as she did. Bea just carried on chatting to Robin and seemed to pay no mind to the plum-haired girl. Sebastian couldn't help but wonder if it's because she didn't care that Abigail constantly flirted with him. "What do you wanna do today?" she asked him, putting on a high, girly voice that grated on Sebastian.

"Actually, I'm helping my mum out by putting up some posters" he muttered as he pushed past her to show Robin and Bea his design. They both praised the work he'd done, and Bea raised her hand to give him a high five, which he accepted. He wasn't really a "high five kinda guy" but he wasn't about to turn down a chance to be close with Bea. He also knew how much it would piss off Abigail, and he he enjoyed knowing it would cause her discomfort.

As if on queue, Abigail bounded over and snatched the posters out of Sebastians hands. "Well, your mum and farmer girl look busy, so I'll go with you while you put these up" she said, looking indignantly down at the fundraiser posters. Before waiting for a response, she grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to the front of the shop and out into the brightness of the mountains. Sebastian snatched his arm away from her but didn't bother to say anything to her.

The two set off walking towards the main part of town. The weather was getting colder as winter drew nearer, and Sebastians warm breath created little clouds of steam on the cold morning air. The steam was soon replaced with smoke as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. He inhaled, allowing the smoke to fill his lungs. "If I'd have known Abigail would end up coming with me I would've smoked a joint first" he thought to himself.

"Why are you even helping that farmer girl out by putting posters up? She's a complete loser" Abigail grumbled as they walked.

"It's not about helping Bea, it's about helping my mum. She needs this to buy her tools back" Sebastian replied, annoyance in his voice.

"I know that. I just don't understand why she is getting involved with it... She's such a fucking brown-noser" Abigail sneered, scrunching her nose up. She waited for Sebastian to reply, but he didn't so she spoke again. "I bet no one turns up anyway, I feel sorry for your mum thinking she will actually get any money from this fundraiser."

Sebastian stopped and glared at her.

"What the fuck is your problem Abigail?" he snapped. He surprised himself with the way he spoke to her. She usually wound him up, but not enough to make him snap, and he was trying to figure out if it was because she was talking about his mum or because she was talking about Bea.

Abigail was taken aback by his tone, and she was quiet for a moment before quickly composing herself. "What's my problem?" she asked. "What is Beas problem? She moves in and just starts pushing in on everyone's lives and trying to take over..." she trailed off, looking away from him. Sebastian saw her embarrassment at being called out though, and he smiled to himself. A part of him felt bad for getting a kick out of her jealousy towards Bea, but she had been a point of misery in his life for so long that he found it amusing.

"She isn't pushing in on anything. She's helping my mum because she feels partly responsible for what happened. And because she's just a nice person I guess? It's more than you've done to help." he looked at her and could see she was unsure how to react to him standing up to her. Abigail just stared back at him, cheeks flushed.

" Whatever" she finally shot back. "Why don't you just have her fucking babies?" she yelled and stormed off down the path towards Pelican Town. Sebastian let her walk away, and after he lost sight of her he walked slowly into town to post his flyers, making sure to avoid Pierres.


Flopping down on the bed, Sebastian sighed. He had walked around the whole town handing out flyers and posting them through letter boxes and he was ready to relax with a smoke and watch some mindless TV. He had just started watching The Hobbit when he received a Facebook message from Bea.

"Hey, thanks for making those posters today, they looked amazing! X"

Sebastian smiled to himself. He didn't often get praise on his work, and it felt even better coming from Bea. He re-read the message, unsure how to respond. He wanted to keep the conversation going, but didn't want to seem desperate to talk to her. After a few minutes he replied.

"No probs. Glad you like them :) "

"I really appreciate it! Will you be coming to watch?"

Sebastian smiled to himself. Of course he was going to watch. Wild horses couldn't pull him away from the Saloon that night, he wanted to see as much of the beautiful blonde farmer as he possibly could. But why was she asking? Was she hoping he would be there?

"Yeah, I'll be there. Will be cool to see you on stage" he sent back. He was trying to imagine what she would look like singing and dancing on stage. He couldn't picture it, she seemed too shy to get up infront of a crowd, and it made him all the more determined to go and see her. His phone pinged again.

"Lol. It's not me on stage"

Sebastian looked at the message confused. "What do you mean?" he typed back.

"You'll see on the night. I'm off to bed now, goodnight! X" she replied.

"What the fuck?" he thought to himself. She said she was the singer, so why wouldn't she be on stage? He tried to figure out what she meant, but it was late and the weed had made him feel hazy, and he ended up falling asleep, The Hobbit still playing in the background.

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