Chapter 5

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After walking Abigail home, Sebastian made the long walk back to his home in the mountains. He enjoyed the walk, as he was always happiest on his own. He enjoyed the quiet of the night and he thought deeply as he made his way up the mountain. He couldn't stop thinking about the new farmer. She was SO fucking hot. She didn't look anything like he expected her to, so when she walked into the pool room earlier it had caught him off guard. He pictured her again in his mind. Her tight leather-look leggings that hugged her in all the right places, her low cut t-shirt with the band "Metallica" printed on it, that showed the perfect amount of cleavage. She had worn her hair down, and it was so long it stopped just below her butt and she had to move it out of the way before she took a seat so she didn't sit on it. Sebastian smiled to himself. She was beautiful, and she seemed like fun. As they had chatted that night they had found out they had a few similar interests, especially when it came to music. He remembered her mentioning she used to sing in a band, and wondered if her voice was as beautiful as she was.

He walked in silence, taking in the beauty and solitude of this part of town. He liked living in the mountains and away from the main town. He could find solice here, and he felt an affinity with the wildlife that lived there. They didn't bother him like people did. He finally made it home, and took himself straight down to the basement. He had a quick shower and then rolled a joint before getting into bed. Abigail had tried to call him while he was in the shower, but he didn't call her back. She had spent the whole walk home bitching about the new girl and telling Sebastian that she doesn't think they should hang out with her again. He smirked at the thought of Abigail feeling threatened by Bea. He knew she was jealous, and that made him happy. It sounded mean, but she had made Sebastian miserable over the years, so he found it funny to see her feeling uncomfortable for once. As he smoked, he decided to search on Facebook for Bea. He didn't know her last name, but found her anyway after a couple of minutes of searching.  He clicked on her profile and started to click through the pictures. "She really is beautiful" he thought to himself, and was surprised to find himself smiling a little.

After he had looked through her profile, he sent her a friend request before laying down in his bed. For the first time in a long time, he realised he was actually looking forward to something. To getting to know this girl more, and finding out who she was. Maybe even get close with her. Maybe even... Date? He scolded himself for thinking like that. There's no way she would be into him. He had seen her pictures on Facebook and all the men that had liked them. "I wouldn't stand a chance" he thought. But it didn't stop him imagining what it would be like to kiss her. He pictured himself running his hands through her soft, golden hair and kissing her gentle pink lips. He wondered what those lips would feel like in other places... He felt a familiar twitch in his pants and his hand naturally moved down to touch the growing lump inside his trousers. He allowed his mind to race with thoughts of him and the new girl, and allowed his hand to do its work. After he finished he fell asleep wishing he was in her bed.

Sebastian (A Stardew Valley fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now