Chapter 11

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Walking into the saloon, Sam and Sebastian were shocked to see how many people had turned up. The Saloon had never had so many people in it at once, it was absolutely packed with strangers from Zuzu City.

"She wasn't lying when she said they had a big fan base in the city" Sam said as he gaped in awe at the crowd. He grinned cheekily at a group of girls that were sat in the window booth. They giggled at him and started whispering and giggling among themselves. "Man, I haven't seen this many hotties since I went to Spain" he said with a grin on his face. Sebastian rolled his eyes and laughed. He was surprised to see how many people were there, but he wasn't interested in any other girls. He was only interested in Bea. He was already totally intrigued by her, but now she had this mysterious "other" person that she became, and he was curious to see what she meant when she said she "became another person". He glanced around, but couldn't see her anywhere. He saw two bearded guys setting up instruments on the stage, and assumed they were members of the band. He watched them work, and shortly another bearded guy with a huge mohawk joined them.

"These dudes look awesome, I'm actually looking forward to this" Sam said to Sebastian, "It's about time we had something exciting like this happen in town"

"Can you beleive all these people have come to watch that stupid farmer girl and her band?" a shrill voice cut in. Sam and Sebastian turned to see Abigail approaching them, a drink in hand and a scowl on her face. "My mum and dad have even come to watch" she said rolling her eyes. Sebastian just ignored her, but she came to stand close to him at the bar. Still ignoring her, he ordered himself a drink and took a look around the Saloon. Sam was right, it was nice to have something new happening in town. And it meant he got to watch Bea all night. Sebastian noticed his mum and Demetrius sat at a nearby table, so left Abigail and Sam at the bar and went to talk to them. Robin already looked a little tipsy when he approached, and she beamed when she saw her son.

"Sebby!" she cried out, standing up and practically pulling him over the table to hug him.

"Mum, don't be embrassing" he muttered. "Are you drunk?"

"I might be a little fresh" she winked. "Anyway, this night is for me, so I'm allowed to have fun, and you should too"

Sebastian smiled at his mum. She worked so hard, and after everything that had happened to her lately, it was nice to see her enjoying herself. Even if it meant he had to put up with her embarrassing him. He glanced around, looking to see if he could spot Bea yet, but it was hard to spot anyone with the amount of people there. And even more were turning up.

"Are you looking for Bea? Or should I say, Wren?" Robin asked, her eyes twinkling. Sebastian blushed a little, and shook his head.

"No, I was just looking at all the people here" he lied.

"Whatever" Robin grinned, "I know you like her Sebastian. And I think she likes you too, she asks about you all the time"

Sebastian blushed again and fidgeted awkwardly on his feet. OK, so maybe his mum enjoying herself wasn't such a good thing. "No. I... I don't think she does" he stuttered awkwardly.

"Oh I think she does" Robin grinned back, taking another sip of her Pale Ale. She laughed, and excused herself from the table as Mayor Lewis and Marnie, the town livestock dealer came to greet her. Sebastian made his way back over to where Sam stood on his own. Abigail had moved along the bar and was chatting with two strangers that Sebastian had never seen.

"Who are those guys?" he asked Sam.

"No idea, Abigail said she was gonna show you how it felt to be ignored and went to talk to those guys instead" he shrugged.

Sebastian (A Stardew Valley fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now