Chapter 2

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Bea awoke to the sun beaming through a crack in the curtains. She sat up, her blues eyes adjusting to the bright light. She looked around at the small room that was now technically her bedroom. The inside of the house didn't look as bad as the outside, it just needed a lick of paint and some new furniture and it would actually make a nice home. She stretched and checked the time. 6AM. She yawned and slowly made her way to the kitchen where she made a cup of tea and a slice of toast. She sat at the kitchen table in silence as she ate, trying to think of where to start.

"What am I doing?" she asked herself as she looked out of the window to the muddy, overgrown fields. She finished her breakfast and decided that tidying the inside of the house would be the best place to start. "I need to smoke before I can tackle this" she thought to herself. She pulled a small bag of cannabis out of her bag and rolled herself a joint. She wasn't much of a drinker, she much preferred getting high. She looked at her stash. There wasn't much left and she doubted she would be able to find herself a dealer out here in the middle of nowhere. She wasn't even sure if there was going to be any one her age here. "I wonder if I could use the seeds to grow my own?" she thought, and laughed at visions of herself growing fields of Mary Jane on her new farm. After her smoke she felt inspired to make the  farmhouse feel like a home.

After a few hours of intense cleaning, the whole house had been scrubbed down and the furniture reorganised. Bea had already had her stuff sent to the farm a few days earlier, so she spent some time putting her own touch on the place. She hung some band posters on the wall, found new homes for her plants and put her collection of crystals out on display. She smiled to herself. "It looks so much better in here" she thought to herself proudly. "And its only 11.30, just in time for lunch!"

She was about to head to the kitchen when she remembered that she needed to actually go and buy some groceries. She groaned to herself. She was still in her pyjamas and had kind of planned on not changing out of them all day. She changed into a pair of black ripped jeans and a lacy black top. She topped this off with a long, flowing black cardigan. She described herself and her style as "witchy". She pulled on her Dr Martens and applied some makeup. Black winged eyeliner and mascara that made her sky blue eyes seem even brighter and a touch of lip gloss that made her naturally pink lips shine in the sunlight. She pulled her long hair into a loose ponytail and studied herself in the mirror. She was going into town for the first time and wanted to look presentable. After all, her grandpa was a very respected man by the townsfolk, so she had a lot to live up to.


Arriving in the town square, Bea was surprised to see that the town hadn't changed at all since she was last here, at least 15 years ago. It was like stepping back in time. She wandered down the street taking everything in with fresh, grown-up eyes. There was the pub, "The Saloon" as it was called to the locals. Bea smiled as she remembered going there for lunch with her grandpa, and how the owner had let her go behind the bar and let her open up her own bottle of cola. She wondered if it was still the same owner? She walked towards the general store, passing by the doctors surgery. She looked through the window but there didn't seem to be anyone inside.

As she entered the shop, a tall, thin man with glasses jumped up from behind the counter.

"Welcome to Pierre's!" he beamed rushing over to greet her. "You must be the new farmer, Lewis has told me all about you! He mentioned the farm was gonna need a lot of work, luckily you've come to just the right place to buy *top quality* seeds to start you off on the right path!" He started towards the shelves stocked with rows upon rows of seed packets.

" Umm... actually, I was just here to buy some groceries" Bea replied awkwardly. "I haven't even thought about planting seeds or anything yet..." she trailed off.

"You can't run a farm without growing crops" Pierre laughed. Bea felt a bit embarrassed, she had only been here a day and she didn't really have any idea how to get a farm up and running. He seemed to sense her embarrassment and felt a bit bad for the girl. At 24 she was only young, and he knew what it was like to try and build a business up from nothing.
"Here" Pierre said holding out 3 packets of seeds. "These are on the house, just to help you get started. But don't expect any more freebies!" he said quickly as he handed her 3 packets of parnsip seeds. "And if you need any tips growing crops, my wife Caroline is a bit of a green-thumb, I'm sure she would give you some tips."

"Thankyou!" Bea grinned as she tucked the seeds into her bag. "I actually have a pretty good idea how to get the seeds started, I kept a lot of indoor plants in the city because I didn't have a garden." she zipped her bag up and turned to look at Pierre."Its where to start that has me stumped. I've got the house looking OK, but the farm, for lack of a better word, is a shithole!" they laughed together for a moment, but Pierre quickly made his way back to his station behind the till as someone else entered the shop. A young man walked in carrying a skateboard. Bea smiled at him as she started to grab some groceries.

" Hey, are you the new girl?" he asked with a look of intrigue. His blonde hair was gelled up in spikes like some kind of anime character. His green eyes sparkled as they looked her up and down. He was wearing a blue denim jacket that looked like it had seen better days.

" Yeah, I'm Bea!" she smiled at him "I just moved in yesterday, so I'm still trying to get used to it all"

"My names Sam, nice to meet you!" he grabbed a can of Joja Cola out of the fridge and went to pay for it at the till. Bea grabbed what she needed and stood behind him at the counter. When he finished paying for his drink, he turned and shot her a cheeky smile."I'm in a rush right now, I have band practice" he said. "But sometimes me and my friends chill at the pub on a night, have a few drinks and a few games of pool. If you ever feel like hanging out you should come join us."

Bea nodded as she handed her items over to Pierre. "Yeah, I might do" she smiled. Sam glanced her up and down once more and shot her a cheeky smile. He winked at her and turned and left the shop. Bea smiled as she payed for her shopping, and turned to leave.

"Before you go, you should head up to the mountains to see Robin. She's the local carpenter, she could really help you fix up those old buildings" Pierre said. He peered at her from behind his glasses. "And don't forget. These seeds are the *highest* quality seeds you'll find around here.

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