Chapter 13

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Wren was in her element. She always felt hyped when she sang, especially when everyone was cheering for her. She knew that most men here would give their left leg to spend a night with her, and she played up to that fact, always letting them beleive it could actually happen. But it never would. She had never slept with a fan. In fact, she had only ever slept with one person, her ex, and they split up years ago. But as she looked out at the crowd of people, she kept finding her eyes landing on the pale emo boy at the bar. Sebastian. The whole act she put on for the men in the audience wasn't an act for Sebastian. She meant every wink and mischievous smile she shot his way throughout her performance. And she knew that he was under her spell, he hadn't stopped staring at her all night. This just empowered her more, and she sang and danced with all the power and passion she could muster. Bea could never do this. She had needed Wren to take her place when it came to a performance, and Wren welcomed it. Wren was who Bea could have been if she hadn't had such crippling anxiety as a teenager. She was a lot better now, but as a teen she had no confidence in herself. Wren was who Bea had always wanted to be, and when Bea decided she needed to be a different person to make this band work, she invented Wren and her outgoing, strong-willed personality.

The band eventually started on the last song of the night, a slow, original song of their own. The people in the bar swayed and sang together, and Wren looked at her bandmates proudly and smiled. As the song came to an end, the 4 band members stood together on stage and bowed to the crowd.

"Thankyou and goodnight!" shouted Rob as the crowd cheered and stomped. Wren looked around at the people and saw Robin, teary eyed and cheering near the bar. Wren wondered if she was crying or if she was just drunk. She noticed Abigail sitting in a booth next to her dad, Pierre, a sour look on her face. Wren noticed she wasn't clapping with everyone else and chuckled to herself. Abigail hated Bea, and no doubt she hated Wren even more. Once again her eyes wandered to where Sebastian stood at the bar. He had his back to her, talking to Sam who was laughing hysterically at whatever Sebastian was saying. As the applause died down, the band members set to work putting their equipment away and tidying up the stage. Gus rushed over to them excitedly, followed by Robin, who was wiping tears from her eyes.

"Wow, that was amazing!" she cried, grabbing Wren and pulling her into a tight hug. She pushed her away again and looked her up and down "You really are a different person on stage aren't you?" she smiled. Wren smiled back at her.

"I told you so" Wren laughed. "I'm glad we could do you proud Robin, I just hope we've done enough to help you."

"You've done more than enough Bea" she gushed, noticing Wren frown at being called the wrong name. "Sorry, Wren. It's just weird to call you something else" Robin corrected herself. "Either way, you've all done so much for me, I don't know how to thank you all"

"We're happy to help" Adam said "it got us all together and it was for a good cause" and he raised his glass and made a toast. "To Robin!" he shouted, and the whole pub raised their glasses and shouted "TO ROBIN!". Robin got teary eyed again, and Wren wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and the rest of the band members and Gus all joined in for a group hug.

Half an hour later, most people had left the Saloon. The snow had started to fall quite heavily, and most of the people that came needed to get a train back to the city before the snow cut off transportation. The band had packed up their stuff, and were now sat at the bar with Robin, Demetrius and Gus. Sebastian had gone for a cigarette outside with Sam, Abigail once again following him now that everyone else had left.

"We made more than enough money for the tools I need!" Robin squealed, jumping up and giving each of the band members a hug. "I can't believe it, I don't know how to thank you  enough!" She hugged Demetrius, and once again wiped a tear from her eye. The door to the Saloon opened, and Sebastian, Sam and Abigail entered. Robin shouted then over and told them the good news, all congratulating her. Even Abigail managed to feign a smile while avoiding looking at Wren.

Wren smiled, she was glad it had been a success. She looked at Sebastian, who caught her eye and walked over to her. "Thanks for helping my mum out. It really means the world to her" he said, smiling. Wren thought he looked a little flushed, and she tried to figure out if it was because if her or the alcohol. She decided it must be both, as she noticed his eyes kept flicking down to her revealed cleavage.

"Its been my pleasure" she smiled back at him "I hope you enjoyed the show"

Before he could answer, Sam and Abigail came over to join them. Abigail glared at Wren, glancing her up and down with a disgusted look on her face before turning to Sebastian.

"My stupid dad is making me go home with him and my mum." she stopped and shot a glance at Wren again, who just looked back  bemused. She flipped her hair and turned back to Sebastian. "I'll ring you later about hanging out tomorrow or something" she said, before hugging him and leaving to join her parents that were waiting near the door. Sebastian looked awkwardly at the floor, and Wren couldn't help but wonder why he didn't just tell her to leave him alone.

"I'd better go home too, I'm supposed to be going shopping with my mum in the morning and she'll be furious with me if I sleep in" said Sam, yawning. "Thanks for an awesome night Bea, it's been loads of fun!"

"Wren" she reminded him.

"Oh yeah, when will you be Bea again?" he asked, laughing.

"She'll be back by the morning, it takes a while for me to come down from the rush of being up there" Wren replied, nodding towards the stage. Sam said goodbye to everyone and left, and everyone else decided it was time to leave too. Wren hugged her friends and said goodbye. They were leaving very early in the morning so they probably wouldn't see each other again for a while. They all thanked Gus for his hospitality, and for letting them use the Saloon for the fundraiser, to which he assured them it was a pleasure.

"You left your bag at ours, so you'd better walk back with us" Robin hiccuped, holding onto Demetrius to keep her straight. She had definitely enjoyed the night, and Wren was surprised she even remembered she had left her handbag there. Everyone said goodbye and Wren, Sebastian, Robin and Demetrius set off on the long walk up the mountain.

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