Chapter 12

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Placing her drink on a table at the side of the stage, Wren looked at the crowd of people cheering at Adam on the stage, who was welcoming people to the show and thanking them for attending. She got up on the stage as Adam was  finishing his speech.

"Thanks again for attending. Most of you guys here tonight know who we are, but for those of you that are new, we are Birds of a Feather. You'll probably recognise a few of these songs tonight as we are doing mostly covers so that everyone can enjoy the show. Lastly we want to thank everyone for your support, it's helping a good friend of Wrens get back on her feet after a nasty accident" he pointed to Robin, who turned a brighter shade of red than the dress she was wearing, and meekly waved at the room full of strangers that were now cheering for her. Wren grinned at her from the stage.

"And with that, we hope you all have a great night. Be safe, be sensible, and enjoy the show!"

The rooms burst into applause, and Wren felt the little piece of Bea that was still with her cower from the crowd. She picked up her vodka and coke and downed the drink in one go. Alcohol helped keep Bea away and let Wren do her thing. She set down her glass and approached the microphone. The pub erupted into applause as the band members took up position on stage. She scanned the room and saw Sebastian still stood at the bar with Sam, looking up at her. She looked back at him as the first notes of music began. The song was "Heat Above" by Greta Van Fleet, and as the music started, the crowd once again erupted into applause. She kept her eyes locked on Sebastians as the music built and she channeled all her confidence, swallowing any remaining bits of Bea and letting Wren completely  take over. She grabbed the microphone and began to sing.

"Sorrows of the earth, may our tears of rain wash down to bathe you"



"Holy shit dude, her voice is fucking powerful" Sam gasped looking at Sebastian in shock. But Sebastian could barely pull his eyes away from the stage. Her voice was nothing like he expected. She was loud, and raspy, and like Sam had said, powerful. Not what he expected from the quiet farmer girl he had occasionally smoked a spliff with. He stared in awe as she sang, her voice pouring out of her like honey. He was getting goosebumps listening to the passion behind her voice. He had never really listened to Greta Van Fleet before, but if this is what they sounded like, he was going to have to check them out. He stared up at her and watched the girl he now knew was Wren, finally understanding what she meant when she said she was a different person. She was confident and sexy, the way she was moving and dancing on stage was hynotising. She flowed naturally to the rhythm, and his eyes kept dropping to her hips, watching them sway side to side as she belted out the long, powerful notes. He found her attractive before, but Wren was something else. She was hypnotic, and he could see from the way other men were staring at her that she had the same effect on them. Shit, Sam was practically drooling over her.

He watched as she moved along the stage, unable to take his eyes off of her. It wasn't what he expected, it was even better. He ordered another drink from the bar and drank half of it down as soon as Emily passed it to him. As the first song ended, he turned to Sam. "Her voice is insane" he said to his friend. Sam nodded in agreement. "She's fucking hot dude, and she keeps looking at you. I think she likes you you know" he said, elbowing Sebastian in the arm and grinning.

Sebastian glanced up at her, she was waving to a group of people who were screaming and cheering at her. "Does she?" he asked. He hadn't noticed. But then again, he had found it hard to look away from those hips.

"Yeah dude, she totally wants a piece of you" he laughed, "Now hang on, I'm gonna go see if that cute red head will let me buy her a drink" and with that he left Sebastian stood at the bar on his own. Sebastian watched him approach a pretty red haired girl and work his cheeky charm on her. Behind him he saw Abigail stood with a group of 3 guys. It looked like she was trying to talk to them, but they were busy cheering the band on. Sebastian looked back to the stage as the next song started, "Black Dog" by Led Zeppelin. He loved this song. He watched her as she sang and danced on the stage, every so often she would look at him and he thought he could see her smiling at him. Maybe Sam was right? But he had been watching her for a while now, and she was making eye contact with a lot of people in the audience, even winking at a few. He finished his drink and ordered another one. He listened and watched as the band did Led Zeppelin proud, Wren hypnotising all the men with the sultry way she danced around. Part of him felt jealous that all these men were gawking at her like that, but he knew why. She was dripping with sex appeal, and she fucking knew it. She had every man here practically on their knees at her feet and she just smiled and winked at them. But her eyes did come to meet Sebastians more often than anyone else, and he didn't know if it was the alcohol taking effect, but he started to beleive that maybe she was flirting with him after all.

The band played some great songs, and almost everyone in the Saloon was up and dancing. Sebastian noticed his mum and Demetrius dancing together, noting that neither of them looked particularly sober at this point. Sam had been politely shot down by the red headed girl, and had sheepishly joined Sebastian at the bar again. They stood together watching as Wren belted out an amazing long note at the beginning of another Greta Van Fleet song. Sebastian was going to have to look into this band. He watched her as she sung the words, every so often catching his eye and grinning at him. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her, and he could tell that she knew it. The way she kept looking at him and smiling, a delicious smirk, and the way her eyes lingered on him longer than anyone else was becoming proof enough for him that she was interested. And even if she wasnt, his brain didn't want to believe it. He'd already made up in his mind that he had to try shoot his shot with her. He just needed to figure out how.

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