Chapter 8

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Bea woke early the next morning. "Wow, did I really fall asleep before 10PM?" she thought to herself. The sun was still rising so she knew it must be early. She felt around sleepily for her phone and looked. It was 6.14AM, not as early as she thought. She yawned and as her eyes adjusted, she noticed the message notification in the corner of her phone. She opened it to see the message from Sebastian. She read it a few times, confused. "Robin went home hours before he sent that message" she thought to herself. She thought it was weird, but as there was no follow-up message, she assumed Robin must've turned up, or maybe the text message had got delayed. After all, the signal was terrible in the valley. She told herself if it was something serious she would've heard back, and decided to get up and make a start with her morning.

After a shower and her breakfast, Bea walked out onto the front porch to study the farm like she did every morning. It looked even better with the new barn. Lucifer greeted her, purring loudly and winding himself between her legs. She glanced over at the old chicken coop. She was heading up to Robins later that morning to figure out a plan for fixing it up, so she headed back inside to put some makeup on, hoping she would run into Sebastian while she was there. A few hours later, she made the walk up the mountain trail to the Carpenters shop. She enjoyed the walk, breathing in the crisp autumn air and watching the squirrels scurry up the trees. As she approached the house, she spotted Maru in the garden, fiddling with something on her telescope. Bea had spoken to Maru a few times, she seemed like a nice girl, and was incredibly smart, always building something new or taking something apart to find out how it worked. She definitely took after Demetrius. She wondered who Sebastians dad was, and if he took after him?

"Morning Maru" Bea called over. "Is your mum in?"

Maru put the telescope down and walked over to Bea, a serious look on her face. "Mum was attacked by a monster last night on her way home from yours" she explained. "She just got back from the hospital this morning"

"Oh my god! Sebastian sent me a message last night asking if she was still at the farm but I was asleep!" Bea gasped. "I figured she must have turned up because he never messaged again." She followed as Maru led her into the house, and to the sitting room, where Robin laid on the sofa. "Are you ok Robin? What happened?" Bea asked as she saw Robins bandaged head and bruised eyes.

Robin explained what had happened, and assured Bea that she was fine, just a little sore. "I'm afraid I won't be able to do that chicken coop anytime soon though" Robin said with a frown.

"Of course, I wouldn't expect you to!" Bea replied, "Of course it can wait until your feeling better."

"It's not that" said Robin flatly, as a sad look crept over her face. "That monster took my tools." She sniffed quickly, and Bea thought it looked like she might cry. "The bastard. He took everything, everything I need to do my job. They were really expensive too, and there's no way I can afford to get more." And with that, she put her bandaged head in her hands and let out a quiet sob. Maru and Bea looked at each other, uncertain what to say. Bea had gotten to know Robin quite well over the weeks that she worked on the barn, and Robin had confided in her about their financial worries. Now she had no way to make a living, Bea could understand why she was so upset. They all sat quietly, with only the sound of Robins soft weeping filling the room.

"Maybe we could do a fundraiser to buy you some more tools?" Maru offered.

Robin looked up, her face red from crying. "How would we even do that though Maru? Even if we could think of something to do as a fundraiser, there's no way the people in town will be able to donate enough money for me to get the tools I need." she sighed and put her head back in her hands. "I just don't know how we will raise the money, and if I can't work, I can't make a living". She picked up her cup of coffee and stared sadly into the brown liquid.

"Well, it's better than nothing isn't it?" said Maru, shrugging her shoulders at Bea. Bea thought carefully. She felt partly responsible for this, and she wanted to help. After all, if Robin hadn't been working on her farm, she would've never been attacked on the trail. She would still have all her tools, and wouldn't be sat looking like the broken woman she was right now. Bea felt so helpless though.

A noise behind them made Bea turn around to see Sebastian entering the room. He looked like he had just woken up, with his dark hair sticking up at all angles. He had a black Greenday T-shirt on and grey jogging bottoms. Bea couldn't help but glance down at his crotch. Boys in grey joggers was a weakness for her, and she had to force herself to drag her eyes back up to his face. "Oh, hey" Sebastian muttered sleepily. "How are you feeling mum?"

"I'm doing OK, I'm more hurt about losing my tools" she sighed. "Have you just woken up? It's almost noon"

Sebastian nodded and grinned at his mum, who just rolled her eyes at him. "I'm glad your feeling better" he smiled at her "but what are you gonna do about your tools?" he asked concerned. He sat down on the sofa next to Bea, and she couldn't help but notice how stunning he looked, even having just woken up. Maru explained her fundraising idea, and the four of them began discussing ways they could make it work. After they tossed out a few bad ideas, such as a town rodeo, a fancy dress contest and a fishing competition, they still hadn't come up with anything good.

"It's useless! We'll never be able to think of a good idea. Besides, even if we did think of something, there's not enough people that would attend to make the money I need anyway." she sank back into the sofa, defeated. The energy in the room had dropped, and everyone felt a sense of hopelessness. Eventually, Robin said she was going to lay in bed for a while. Maru also excused herself, and left Bea and Sebastian sat together on the sofa.

"Do you want to come down to my room for a smoke?" Sebastian asked her after a few moments. Bea felt her heart flutter at the invite, but played it cool and agreed. They walked down the basement stairs and Sebastian held the door open for her as she walked in. His room wasn't at all like she expected. It was more like a small apartment. There was a small bathroom with a shower to one side, and a huge sofa in the middle of the room pointing towards a big TV. His bed was situated in the corner, far enough away from the sofa to be seperate from the "living area", but close enough to still have a good view of the TV from the bed. Bea breathed in the musty air of the room, a mixture of his scent mixed with the burning wood from the fire. It smelled divine. Sebastian rolled a joint, lit it, and after a few puffs passed it to Bea. As they smoked they tried to think of ideas for the fundraiser. "Maybe Sam could do a gig with his imaginary band" Sebastian laughed. Bea laughed, remembering Sam's attempt to show off to her, and was suddenly hit with an idea.

"Sebastian, go get your mum. I think I've thought of a way we can do a fundraiser and bring in enough people to be able to raise enough money" she grinned.

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