48. Truth

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"Where's you girlfriend?" Roshan asked.

"She's is here!" Debanshu said and a girl entered their.

Roshan was shocked to see the girl.

"She is your girlfriend?" He asked and Debanshu nodded.

"Sambhavi! What are you doing here? And what do you need to talk to me?" He asked her.

"Roshan, can we go to Krish's house? We need to talk something important. Please?" She pleaded him.

"Fine!" Roshan said after thinking for a while.

She smiled and they both went to Krish's house. Roshan rang the bell. Krish opened it but was shocked to see Sambhavi standing there.

"What is she doing here?" Krish asked Roshan.

"She is here to explain something." Roshan said giving disgusted eyes to Sambhavi.

"Ok! Come in." He allowed them to enter.

They both entered and sat on his couch.

"Ok! What did you wanted to say?" Krish asked.

"I know that you all are angry at me for whatever I did back in middle school but trust me, I was forced to do it."

"Bu.." Roshan was about to say something but Sambhavi paused him.

"You guys won't interrupt me when I am talking. Let me finish my explanation first." She said and they both signalled her to explain further.

"It was my first ever relationship. I didn't knew how to be a perfect girlfriend. Also, I had a crush on Shaan for almost an year. When he asked me out, I was very overwhelmed. So, I immediately said yes."

"When he got to know that I am very clingy to all my friends, he asked me not to meet any of my male friends otherwise he will break up with me. At that time, I didn't knew what to do. He even warned me not to talk with you. I wanted to find a solution about this with you but he kept me under his shadow the whole year." She continued.

"I had no other option other than getting out of your life. That day, when you both approached me in the tuition, I slapped you and warned you not to follow me because I wanted you not to pity my condition and just hate me. And trust me, I regret everything that I did." She said.

"After 6 months of that incident, I found Shaan cheating me with his ex girlfriend. I would always find him with his ex girlfriend but he would say that she is just his friend but one day, I found them both kissing each other. Our relationship was very toxic." She continued.

"He warned me not to talk to any guy but he himself would hangout with his ex girlfriend and party with girls. We would always break up and then patch up. At last, we broke up and bought an end to this toxicity. I thought that this relationship would be very good but never imagined that I would lose myself in this toxicity. I lost the real me. I became a drug addict after he left me. I had no other friend. Even the girls in college never became my friend because they think I am a hoe. Even when I got some friends, they were friends with me because I was pretty." She said and started crying.

"Once, I was about to lose my life because of the amount of drugs I would consume. So, I eventually left that. I went back to New Delhi and thought that everything will be normal for me now but that never happened. People would always think of me as some bitch or hoe. It's really sad to know that people would call you a hoe because of your clothes abd relationships. I came back to Kerala last month and started finding you guys because I missed you. I know that it's gonna be hard for you to forgive me. But trust me! Those things will never happen now." She continued her words and started crying again.

Roshan patted her shoulders.

"I know that this is gonna be hard for us to forgive you but we will try out best. You went through a lot due to that toxic relationship. You lost the real you. We will help you find the real you again." He said and she cried more.

"Whoever you were, you were our bestfriend back in middle school. We still hold the perfect friendship." Krish said and they had a group hug. Three of them were crying now.

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"Ok, but how did Debanshu became your boyfriend?" Roshan asked her

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"Ok, but how did Debanshu became your boyfriend?" Roshan asked her.

"Who is Debanshu?" Krish asked them.

"He is my colleague." Roshan said.

"When I came back to Kerala, I met him at the bar and our friendship started there. And soon, it turned into a relationship." She said.

"Ok! Everyone's in a relationship except me." Krish said and Roshan furrowed.

"What about Tashvi?" Roshan asked him.

"I don't want to talk about it right now. It's our day today. Leys enjoy it. I have a good action movie with me. Let's watch it." Krish said and they both nodded.

Roshan could sense that something fishy is going on. He thought to ask about Tashvi later on when he and Krish will be there alone.

Krish switched on the tv and played "Birds of Prey".

After 2 hours, the movie ended. Both Sambhavi and Roshan went back to his house.

Krish went back to his house and dialled Tashvi.


Hey there!

Double update!

Both Roshan and Krish forgave Sambhavi. Does Sambhavi deserve this forgiveness?

This is a short chapter.

I will meet y'all in the next chapter.

Till then, take care and stay safe 🤗..

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