Something related to this book

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Hey there!

I hope you all are doing great. Happy new year to all of you. I know I am late.

It was a great year. However, I wasted this year again in online classes and those boring lectures.

Thank you so much for showing this much love to this book. It has crossed 138 reads while it's still ongoing.

Usually, whenever I write any book, it completes it's 100 reads after its completed. However, in this book, it completely it's 100 reads when only half the chapters were published.

I am so greatful to the love you showed to this book. Thank you very much.

This book is coming to an end soon. I will really miss this book. It was the first book by me where I had added cute as well as creepy content.

I am so sorry if I made any of you uncomfortable. I am extremely sorry if I did. 2020 and 2021 made me realise that I had more interest in thril rather than romance.

I am looking forward to write more creepy books in near future. I have also decided that I will write the werewolf story after "Lost in timr".

Lost in time is exactly not my story. It was by my one of the closest friend Fire2Fly

She is one of an amazing writer. She writes longer chapters which have a word limit about 3000.

She wanted to focus more on her first book did to which she gave this to me.

It's an adventure related book. If you like adventure then check it out. It's on my profile.

I wrote all these because I wanted to share my emotions which I felt through this book "Ms. Her"

To be honest, I came up with a different story at first. However, when things started getting creepy in this book I thought to change the whole plot of the story.

Once again, thank you so much for loving it. I really loved writing this book. This book have all my heart.

I am hopping to finish it by January. Then, I will start focusing on Lost in time.

I will update the next chapter of Ms. Her tomorrow on the given timing which is 11 am.


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