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Couldn't resist anymore for your hearth.

Stay with me.

There's no way around it. Because we cant live without you.

You know that.

But you told me I have to go.


You dont  get it. İts your job and you have to move another country I understood this was important to me just as it was to him.

Suddenly we started to talk again without say him goodbyee.

"Please give me  a break".


After this I shared today with my best friend and she told me " İt doesnt make him right."

I dont want make me feel quilty for something as simple as his job life. So I let him go and move his dream country to move because of his new job.

I have to support him because İf I have to go he will support me too. I know this.

"Love is pain?".

"Something like this".

"Just let him go. Move on".


"Anything else?".

"I should have done that ages ago, right easier said than done though".

"Why would you do that?".

"Because I cant stop loving him".

"But you have to forget him".

You are cruel. So cruel. But I love you anyway. I'm miserable without you.

I saw him my dream.

"I love you".

"That makes the two of us".

We hugs together...

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