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"What is wrong with you?".

"So what?".

"Why you blocked with me?."

"Because you told me a lie. You introduced yourself to me as a different person than you are".

"No I'm honest you understood me wrong".

"I dont think so".

"İn my opinion you escaped with me".

"No you are wrong?".

"Dont piss me of".

"I can't take it anymore I love you but its too much".

"The problem is am i a famous person?".

"I dont know my brain is so confused these days".

"You should be relax?".

"Lets get to the point we should broke up".

"I dont want to broke up".


"I told you before you are my angel I love you why don't you believe?".

"Because you are famous".

"Okay what are you doing now?.

"Eating pizza".

"Enjoy your meal".


"I want to call you webcam please?".

"You make it difficult".

"Baby please calm down".


"I want to kiss you deeply?".

"It's sounds good".

"Are you done your meal?".


" Do you need anything?".

"Like what?".


"I want only you".

"You are also mine. I'm also yours".

"I hope you said truth".

"What did you say?".

"I told I hope you are serious about me and you love me?".

" Please don't be suspicious".

"Sometimes doubt infallible".

"But hearth cant tell lie".

"How was your weekend baby?"

"İt was great".

"Good luck".

"Thanks you too".

"How is your job?".

"I'm doing fine".

They called each other web cam.

"İt was good to see you".

"Take care of yourself".

"Where have you been? I miss you".

"I miss you too".

"You will be my hearth dont forget I love you forever soul".

"Me too". 

Love is hurt but sometimes it's worth it. And you should listen to your hearth before tell him goodbyee.

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