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States of Consciousness

Consciousness refers to awareness.Also it includes at a certain time to be aware of people around to environment and the state.Wakefulness,sleep,hypnosis,and meditation is a state of consciousness in humans.

Normal state of consciousness is include to ,the individual's own sensations,and their own decisions.Also people aware of their thoughts and waking state.

Normal level of consciousness are include to some concepts and which are be careful and vigilance form,can detect surrounding stimuli and can convert them to information.

Normal state of consciousness return to close consciousness to some events like traffic accidents.People who make a accident consciosness is return to close consciousness.Also İf ı give an example dreams,meditation,hypnosis, are a different states of consciousness.

First of all ı want to write about sleeps.I always interested in this topic in my life.All people need to sleep and everybody see to dreams while they are sleeping.According to some psychologists,dreams reflect daily life.The dream of many people from various professions,occupations examined and their environment has been shown to be closely related.

Also sometimes I like to write my dreams.Because some people said people who write their dreams it will increase to creativeness.I want to be a writer and ı always interested about this topic.

Other important concept about consciousness is biological clock.Biological clock is related to the organism is the ability to detect the time periods.People regardless of hours in most cases,can be cut close to the correct time.Biological clock of the organism to the environment Works in an appropriate manner.

Structure of sleep is include five periods.Fifth is REM.Rem include to main regulation of metabolism.İt provide to growth hermone and protein synthesis is increased.So it provide to rest to body.İn this period if people who not sleep well they feel tired in the morning.During rem sleep is light.A large proportion of dreams seems tor rem period.Therefore rapid eye movement seems to rem period.

The concept dream is in the appear to brain absence of consciousness reactions to the outside world using images without conscious rain is continuing activities.Dreams,excitement and cognitive function in the regulation are thought to contribute.Dream include to on past experiences,environment, physiology and subconscious factors.All people need to sleep because dreams provide to protect biological functions of our body and energy,to refresh our body and mind to grow,to strengthen to memory and also subconscious to confront our fears and repressed motives.İt is named to Freudian approach.

Dreams based on some concepts and which are psychodynamic,cognitive and biological view.First of all ı prefer to write psychodynamic view.İt is Freud's view.Freud mentioned in this view dreams,subconscious thoughts,feelings and requests that a window can be surfaced think.

For example based on childhood and push our subconscious,repressed sexual desire and anger with the origin hosts can face this feelings and desires through with our dreams.Freud divides them into dreams to two.First is significiant latent dreams.These dreams are symbolic and psychological reviewed by Freud carry out these dreams to be done.Second is visible content of dreams.These dreams we hear in our daily lives if we are living the dream in relation to events that we see is created.According to Psychodynamic opinion why we are forget about dream when we wake up that dream inspring qualities of the concerns we have, as it tends to suppress them we are awake.

The other important view is cognitive.İt concerns thoughts which occupy our minds awake containing thinks a result of mental functioning.İn other words,the dream is only state of mind.So we could not find the solution of dreams during the day.We can find solutions to questions and problems that periods suggests.According to cognitive aspects of mental developmental relationship is said adult people dreams are more complex than to child dreams.

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