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1)The first media workers have to face to sansür problem İn Turkey.İt is a huge problem and media workers not Express their thoughts freely because of government restraint.Another problem is not job security in Turkey.For example immediately you can expelled your job especially you are a media worker or journalists.You are exposed to penalties if a teeny problem and ı think it is a big problem in Turkey.Some jobs like cinema scarce and not enough budget because of the Money.But in Europe people can creative more bigger budget movies for example Soner Sert mentioned about that and talk about give information to movie sector in Turkey.I think Sansür problems will be solve to the advanced level of law-related human rights and freedoms so after this development people can Express their thoughts freely in newspapers and newspaper dont have to arrested and send to the prison in Turkey.Freedom of the press is a huge problem to journalists.Also another problem is limited job opportunities mentioned about that Deniz Çapa İzmirlife magazine and talk about magazine publishing sector and how is it process?And Deniz Çapa added not communication in this sector is an another problem of media workers.İn my opinion media is finished and humen rights are necessity in Turkey.When prime minister or president began to talk all television channels return and began to show their performance so it is a very huge problem because news told France, England, Switzerland or other European countries people cant see this problem.Also gezi parkı events we see television never make program not neutral and also not reflect to events true way so social media began to increase the importance.I think solution is people should work to together media not do job by ralated cooperation to government.

Also another problem to be women in Turkey mentioned about journalist Evrim Kepenek and talk about can women will be equal work conditions like men in Turkey?Journalism job dominant side is Men.This theory men dominant to meaning of professional because we can see this discourse everywhere said it is not appropriate, suitable job by womens ı think this solution can be solved to destroy this kinds of bias opinions.Approach to job equal way and this perspective will be develop when people began to think and enlighment to law observe human rights and freedoms.Also Evrim Kepenek criticize about journalists sector is not be freedom.Evrim Kepenek give an example to Bir Gün newspaper and said newspaper and the same headline media for example Prime Minister to say same word another newspaper.Removel to job, and or to be neutral or not sided problem is an argument topics in Turkey.So removel to job problem is ı think can be solved to only come to the new constitution and provide to strong, freedom law rules and it should be valid.So journalists not send to prison, because of their writings and opinions.

Also ı think people's special life and sexual identity cant be problem to job cinema sector.İt is just selection and what a pity still İn Turkey homosexuals, lesbians and others have to exposed excluded and these people have seems to problems to their job life but today we can saw homosexual a lot of successfull cinema sector workers and ı think to be important do your job in a successfull way.Levent Haseki, director and scenarist mentioned about that and give an example importance gay movies and characters.Also Blue is the hottests clour is a good successfull lesbian movie.I think this kind of problem will be solve to destroy to prejudice and not mix other people's special life, everybody responsible their own life is my perspective.Other people's special lifes and lifestyles never interested for you ı think people who talk about other peoples lifes it is a huge problem and they are sick so it must look and observe to Psychological way.So it is not differences between to today Politicians discourses over to women body and oppressive and totalitarian regime.Finally it is give an information for me to my future plans about journalists sector and how can they work and their working conditions.I will try my change to journalist sector after to gradualate.

2)What do you know when a journalist called successful?

Evrim Kepenek, mentioned about that is to be journalist is need to observation and wonder to everything.And also courage is a important fort his job.Evrim Kepenek say journalists should'nt be shamed and to be critical.İt is mean to process all kinds of sides.Journalists should be neutral.Journalists should be read all kinds of sources and opinions.Journalists should understand their reading sources and use to empathy.And sure more read.Journalist candidates should read much news everyday and follow to columnists in a regular way.Evrim kepenek also advice to be learn to patient, resit to hard conditions and need to more efford.İf you are claim for your job, job is claim for you too adviced Evrim Kepenek.You should be observe and ask to true question.Also this job conscience concept is important.According to Evrim Kepenek, bianet journalists to be neutral or not is a personal preference.Journalist mean to within 24 hours of being curious and questioning and thinking.There may be especially important to the profession itself in the mainstream.

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