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I want to tell you  something

I  want to tell  you how  much I  care  about  you

and how  much I love you

I miss  you

oh  my  god

where are  you?

I  wonder what  are  you  doing  these  days?

you can touch  my  hearth whatever you  want

one  day

maybe  we will meet

Stand  by me please


dont  go

you cant  do  this

u wrote  me remember?

u gave me  a promise


maybe u forgotten

but I didnt forget

I  know and  remember everything about  you


come  along  with  me 

I lost you in your eyes

I'm cold in your absence

I want to back u  in my life

you are  the best gift for me

you are the special men in my  life

love  u hearth

and you are my future

you are my miracle

I could not forget you


please don't leave

let's try again

this love deserves it

one more chance

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