4 2 2

Act your age.

You gave  me  a promise.

Do you remember?

I remember.

I will never forget.

You told me we  will  meet in  a real  life.

Im tired to love  you anymore.

I dont want to wait  you anymore.

You taken my years.

My patience is wearing thin.

You on the wall top these days.

Everytime I support  your all success you know it.

But you pulling your leg.

You play my hearth.

You hurt my hearth million of  times.

Come meet me.

I want  to hug  you.

I  want  to love  you.

Call it a day baby.

Dont get bent out of shape lie news about  you and about fake bad peoples.

I told I hate you.

I didnt mean to hurt  you.

Do you really believe this impossible love?

I want to believe it.

But Im not sure.

This distance killed to  us.

Will to meet  together?

Your guess is as good as mine.

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