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According to article gender regime related to social gender the concept. İt is political and way to relationships in society. Men and women equality not only interested in womens, it is interested to all society to aim to democratization way. Article say women violence related to power and masculinity. Also article say violence mean to form of specific gender- related based on violence and to prevent printing of honor, the production of femininity and masculinity and reproduction as extremely critical power tool. Article say, not only women exposed to violence, mens exposed to especially their childhood period. The strengthening of women reason to show why men apply violence their wifes and society in womens. For example Öznur, say at the beginning of her marriages not exposed to violence, but after she disturb to exposed emotional violence. Gül, Menekşe, Sultan exposed to violence too. I read that and I think it is very bad and sadness. I think it is humiliating and people who use violence, they should go to psychologist and they should take to help, because in my opinion it is not normal, for example people who are commit murder, killers same example, they are not normal, maybe sick psychologically and sure, people who use violence, statistics show, they exposed violence their childhood their family members too, so, we can say again family is very important to peoples shape to their life, if family good no problem, if family bad, it is mean to very big serious problem like use to violence. Some women cant say that situation because they exposed to threat like if you say anything I kill your friends, families, or one individual to close environment. For example Filiz, say I want to divorce a lot, but I not want to growth my childrens without father. Şükriye, say my mother, exposed to violence a lot my father, because of the alcohol. Article say, mens exposed to violence by their fathers too. Mens generally say their violence, based on military violence and school. Mehmet, İmam hatip school, when he see to others hug one girl, he beat to director, teacher and lastly, children not endure this obsession and commit suicide. Also womens prevention and limitation spatial size like womens not go out because husband not prevent them. Selma, say it is not only guilty husband, because their ralatives encourage them too, because of the parents excessive control with husbands. Some facts hide in this article for example Serpil, not say divorced situation her job environment, because she said, immediately they began to benefit. For example Türkay, say I not divorce because of the money, limit so we can say economic conditions impact to way to the life. Village womens lifes based on working life, they answer can you think work, if you take education? they, says is it not to work? What can you say? without work life is empty. Another concept protection and supervision, article say, people not say about their stories mentioned obstacles and pressures, they mentioned that protection, love or honor. Asiye take to family dressage and I always listen to my brother, if she say no married, I say sure and yes, you are right. Concept discrimination mean to here ordinary fascism such as not apply prevent to marriage alevi- kürt or another religion like Christianity, and not apply refuse to foster child, because of homosexuality. Especially homosexuality not seems good, a lot of peoples eyes, article specify. People scare if I affect or return so solution is simply far away them. Homosexuality, accept examples this article disease, sickness. Lesbians accept to mentioned temporary feelings and male fantasy but, gays mentioned a serious threat to masculinity. For example Eşref, say two people love together, I approve to two different religious peoples marriages, it is not a problem. However others, examples article say never accept. Article give examples not seems good about türks too. About gender, concept mean to gender regime. To be men and women represented to beliefs and values. All comments are specify different by womens and mens. Womens about related homes service and mens say women roles are different and I want my life womens interested to childrens maintenance to homes and build to hot family environment. Womens say, women and mens take care their physical view like sexy, beauty, successful career and strong it is different perspective from others. One men say not sex freedom. Article comments say women should obediently devoted. Family relationships, motherhood and fatherhood generally related to distance. Distant fathers to their children reflect to article. Some of them like a friend and do social activities together with their childrens article say. For example Müşerref, say ı not know much about my mother, because she is busy and always work. Filiz, say cohabitation is good because people know each other better, not hurry about married, she do mistake and left different room with their husbands 19 years. About marriage over middle age arranged marriages are very common, families decide who you are married. Very age marriages are common too. Family are another important impact to marriages like tradition. Some mens take more than one women, Gül, article explain that, she live one apartment, another live other apartment. For example some mens, say I'm never marriages because of the ordinary, classic understanding and dominated by mens about economical. Kadir, say reason is this I not married, and never think about that. Sexuality related to article the concept of honor. Some womens say I not know about sexuality until marriages but when I married, first say I scared a lot, and I still not understand to meaning. Some womens say like Medine, my husband say me a cold. Article says, not good cohabitation before married especially for womens, only Alpay, say important to be have a good time, virginity is not important for me. About clothing, article say about turban some people say not support to local area, but some of them still more support them. Paid work win to womens personal power and trust feeling. Gender equality, article say it should be necessary way. Article take attention womens and mens different roles. People generally say, some ways men are dominated, and some ways womens dominated, generally womens related to home jobs like do cook, and take care childrens, at home and men come home and get to money, and a lot men say not need women work outside, only men work is enough. People generally say women and men not equality and still womens beat their husbands at home and some of them say it is not related to only education, one women say, my University graduate friend, exposed to beat her husband at home. Unwarranted homeless part, people belief god, and very glad to be muslim, and some of them apply all rules, and some of them say, it is between god and individual and sometimes apply to rules. Some of them ask their parents, but some are what they want to worship, they want this time. Some are alevi like Bekir, and these are this way to apply their beliefs article say. Some are not apply worship like, Mehtap. Mehtap, say religious rules like fasting very nonsense for me. Some are Tunç, say I'm not muslim, or christian, I not do distinction, and Şeyhmus say I'm ateist but these are fewer to article. Şeyhmus say I take religion education but I grow my childrens without, not religion. Şafak, say only religion to be strong people and survival. About future or plans generally people say not think much about that and tell about some problems their daily routine lifes. Pessimism is problem general in peoples lifes. Some are say not good Turkey's future. Not much hope about future peoples general say. Some are say, very happy to Turkey's future and help themselves to akp government. Suzan want to give politics and Burcu, say very bad country. Kürts and religious people very happy to Turkey's, future general. Some are say about freedom concept, honor and general say people cant do everything because of the norms and tradition, it is maybe return to pervert. So god is true way, some are says. I like to read this all article, I think it is very pleasant activity. I like to take this elective lesson, before the graduate. I love sociology too much.





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