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I will wake up early tomorrow and I am thinking about you.

Why are you so cruel?

I love you but you dont believe with me.

I tried to show you but you dont let me about this.

Your choice was broke up with me.

İt wasnt a result when you someone deeply.

I love you okay although you broked my hearth.

I should go to bed because of the late time but I still  thinking about you.

This desire is immortal.

My best friend today said with me " You look so  upset baby you should forget him".

She is right but my hearth doesnt accept to forget about him.

I shouldnt have said that cursed you but you know I was angry.

These are didnt true.

Only true is how much I love you?

Thats all my baby.

My life.

And my hero.

My cute husband you are.

Whenever you are whenever you go I will be right here waiting for you.

İt is us song.

Do you remember me?

I will remember you.

Listen please.

Someone will love you.

And its me.

Anyway I should look my future.

Of course I will forget you.

Nobody cant be immortal.

We are all will die one day.

People cant live forever.

So I can handle it.

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