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"Please dont go".

"you hurt my hearth".

"I dont caree".

"what u caree nothing I told u a  truth you broke my hearth and if  one hearth hurt again hard to repair".

"look  at me Im here for  you".

" what about u hearth dear?".

"I  love you and its hurt  me so  much before you my  life is only  about sex  and fuck okay".

"I know it".

"so u believe me? u trust me?".

"I try".

"you should try".


"touch me please touch my hearth not only my body".

" We should reselvo problems us with this relationhip otherwise it never works".

"My hearth is burn now like  a extinguished".

"Sometimes I dont understand  you I  tried  but you are  so difficult interesting men I have never seen my life before".

"But confess it you love this challenge in me".

"maybe my brain is so confused I love  you like you said the impossibility of you maybe I love".

"please dont  talk just hold me".


we holding together. The moon  meanwhile shone below us.

"Carlos promoted us".

"please I hate your all friends cause  they are so crazy not  a normal".

"come on do  u  think really Am  ı a normal men".

"but you are my love and I used  it but others please I want  to stay  away all of  them".

"u life is changed after me right".

"yes but if u hurt me  again u  know I will left you".

"but after left u again come back for me I  know u  anymore but Im not sure u know me  a lot still".

"Im still learning u my teacher".

"u want a new game now?"

"like what?".

"teacher student fantasy?"

"dirty  do you have to connect everything to sex?

"u know me ım  a naughty men".

" its valid womens this naughty word I  mean".


"give me everything tonight".

"like  what? u mean  sex like  a crazy u still want me so  much right".

"its true".

"I love you I  dont want to lose you".

"love u  too".

" I saw u comments on me secretly instagram why u still wrote me  there u  are  mine  in  a  real life  anymore".

"I know its a just habit for  me  its  chasing situation I  can  tell u  about only this".

"u dont scare perverts there?"

"I dont caree chat for them generally I blocked all of  them".

"I caree  you I  need  you".

"me  too".

"u gratification  for  me and u makes me happy".


"U are irreplaceable  for  me".

"U are  also  a interesting girl for me too. You  are  a different  girl  accept  me who really Im.  You are     special women in my life.  I shared all of my life for u facebook.  And Im happy to chat you and after 4 years at last ım so happy I  found u my miracle life   and I met u in  a real  life here in  the United  Kingdom".

"yes  all of  these like  a dream".

"like  a dream".

"U inspired  my  life beauty".

"u also inspired for me especially while writing  my poems".

"I  want to read  them".

"okay I will show u my blog site".

"I would be honored".

we kissed like  a moon. And like a sunshine.

"u are sometimes scary but sometimes so lovely  and  polite".

"Im so sorry hurt you I will never do that again trust me".

"My life is busy but I give  u  a promise this intensity never affect with  us this relationship".

"Do  you remember past?"

"ı  remember all things dont worry".


"yes dear".

"but circumstances its  afraid of me".

"u makes me better u makes  me  a good  men after u gave my  life  and I  decent anymore and I heal".


"because of  you".

"my  Chef I  want  to eat  u nice meals for  me u  told  me  Im  a nice  cooker handsome".

"come  on we  should go home".

"yes immediately please".

"whats  the  problem  again?.  You  face return  a upset again".

"I  cant do  that I  mean I  never did  a meal  before".

"come  on  I never  left  you because  of  this you cant be  serious".


" will you marry me?".


and we never left.


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