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DANİEL:" Hi baby its so nice to see you again here I miss you everyday".

GİZEM:"I belong for you entirely my love".

DANİEL:" I partly agree with you because I'm yours you know".

GİZEM:"I felt you from my hearth".

DANİEL:"Your eyes my soul".

GİZEM:" You too baby you are my sunhine".

DANİEL:"Purely you are so far away from me and it makes me so sad".

GİZEM:" When I'm thinking about you actually you are mine and here".

DANİEL:"You are right".

GİZEM:"When we meet you in a real life I firmly hug you believe me".

DANİEL:"I trust you".

GİZEM:" Thanks baby".

DANİEL:"I hope one day we will meet".

GİZEM: " I hope my love".

DANİEL:"Merely just give me  a little time I'm a so busy man you know".

GİZEM:"Good luck I support with you".


GİZEM:"I want to see you everyday and constantly dear".

DANİEL:  " Me too my hearth get well because of you".

GİZEM: " I still believe in love because of you".

DANİEL: " I will make you so happy and I will never get upset for you".

GİZEM:" I will get close you day bay day".

DANİEL: "I  want to kiss you so much now".

GİZEM: " Kiss".

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