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You  steal  my  hearth.

How  can I forget  you?

We  have a  great  memories these are all irreplaceable.

I  love  him  so much  altough  I  know my  love  is  impossible.

İts  just like a dream.

You are  my heaven.

When  you noticed  my  love?


I  can  wait.

İts  a unattainable  love and  this  love makes me  so  sad.

You've done a lot  for me , and I  dont  know how to make  it up to  you also.

İt's really hard  to  deal with  so many hardships at the  same time.  Been  there, done  that and  paid  for  it.

I miss u  and  me drank  tea  at  the  same  time  in  the  same table.

Did  you remember?

Can  you  see  that?

See  what?

I  mean  my  hearth baby.

I just keep on  trucking  without  you.

Sometimes  I  have a fun  but  sometimes  I bored.

İts  life  baby.

İts  just  a life.

I  need  a dramatic change  my  life  Woody  Allen  said.

I  agree.

İts  a fact  that I  need  a new  change  my  life.

I  need  a just alteration.

Yes  Im  serious  about  this.

İts a truth.

My mom  asked  me  today.

"Why do you have such  a long face?".

"I had  a tiff with my  boyfriend  this  morning".

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