Chapter Twenty-Five

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I stand in complete shock at the words that just left my mouth. For the past eleven years, I could never bring myself to accept what happened to me. I have blocked out those memories for so long that thinking about what happened feels like reliving that trauma all over again. But I have to, I have to relive this trauma so I can see my baby girl again.

It feels like it was just yesterday...I had gotten a horrible gut feeling at 38 weeks and demanded that Kelsie help to induce me.



"How are you doing Baby girl?" I whisper as I walk on the left side of her hospital bed, checking her vitals. No one knows I know her personally. I've snuck her in and out of my office each morning, and every evening after my shift ended. I helped her check into the hospital like a typical patient for her to have the baby. We induced her already, but with her actually giving birth in the hospital, the insurance will alert her family of the bill. If what she says is true, and they have a medical hold over her, then her father will be here soon to take her away.

I just wish she would have waited until her water broke. But she keeps saying she has a feeling something terrible is going to happen. I know when you have a gut feeling, you should listen to it, but I'm afraid of what exactly the feeling was for.

"I'm okay," she whispers back, tapping her finger against my arm. I gave her Pitocin to induce labor, and she got the epidural. I can't stand to watch her in pain, so I suggested she get it from the beginning. She was apprehensive at first, but she agreed the moment contractions started.

I look back as the nurse walks out of the room. The nurses I chose to be on my service for this delivery are my friends. They have done a bunch of deliveries with me, and we have a sense of understanding that what happens in this room today, stays in this room. I trust the two nurses. As the door closes, I sigh and lean over, kissing her forehead over and over again. She chuckles and turns her head to face me. Attaching her lips to mine.

"Josie, if you feel any type of pain, just tell me, okay?"

"Okay mommy," she says playfully, but I can see how afraid she is. Most first times mothers are incredibly nervous, but I know Josephine is strong. She's got this. She grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"You're the only mommy here love," I clown back, and she giggles.

"I'm scared," she says, as her demeanor does a 180. Her hand rubs over her stomach, and I do the same, leaning over and kissing her belly button.

"Don't be. I will be here every step of the way."

"Not of birth... of my father." Tears form in her eyes, and I rub them before they can fall, kissing each cheek.

"Shhhh baby girl. It will be okay." She nods and lays her head back against the pillow. "Have you thought of any names yet? She should be here soon. You're about 7 cm now. You'll have to start pushing, and soon baby girl will be in the world. She needs a name... and don't say Princesa."

"Many girls are named Princess."

"Exactly. She needs something unique."

"I know..."

"So...?" I questioned. She smiles and rubs my cheek.


"Nope, something else. Next." I shake my head, and she busts out a laugh.

"No... the name. It means Nobility. My first choice was Princess, but I knew you would not let me name her that, so I found something that resembles being a princess..."

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