Chapter Twenty-One

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I snuggle closer to her as the light beams brilliantly through the drapes. She smells like pure peppermint, which makes me happy. It's her favorite scent, and it's the main ingredient in all of her body wash, toothpaste, and lotions. My house has never smelled so good.

Josephine and I have a tendency to leave conversations unfinished. It's as if neither of us wants to continue the talk about whatever the topic was out of a fear of offending the other. Or maybe it's just me trying to avoid certain subjects. We've both been hurt a lot in our lives and actively attempt to protect each other.

We had sex for the first time about a week ago, and now, it is a daily and nightly occurrence. I can't get enough of her, and I'm sure she feels the same way. I've never been as addicted to someone as I am to her right now.

It's like every time she casts a glimpse my way. My gut churns into a thousand knots. My breathing hitches at every word uttered out of her lovely lips. Every precious touch upon my skin causes goosebumps to rise in an instant.

She's right about me having had many partners. I'm experienced in that department, but I've never been with a pregnant woman. She is breathtaking, and her daughter, though still in the womb, has become a highlight of my days. I cherish the times I get to go to sleep and wake up rubbing her.

She was also right about me not wanting kids... but she has caused me to start reconsidering that choice. Princesa, as she calls her, always responds to me, and I talk to her a lot. I see babies every day and never get attached to them or their mothers, but there's just something different about Josephine and baby Princesa.

Funny right? I never wanted kids but picked a profession where I get to watch them grow for nine months and help their mothers bring them into this world. I've delivered so many babies over the years, but the only one I have ever been this excited to deliver is Josephine's daughter.

She groans in front of me, pushing me away from her, but I don't move my arm from around her. Instead, I continue to massage Princesa.

"Kelsie, you're waking her up. She won't stop moving."

"That's the point darling. It's morning time."

She whines, pulling the covers above her head. I crawl under the blanket and up her legs, coming face to face with the baby.

"Good morning baby girl. Your mommy doesn't want to get up yet, but I miss her. So I need you to kick her extra hard for me." Nothing happens, and I suck my teeth. I caress the round tummy and press a little below the belly button. "Come on little one. I'll make you cinnamon rolls for breakfast. I know it's your mommy's favorite, so it's got to be yours. She's totally a sweet tooth. The apple can't fall far from the tree." I smirk as I feel a light punch on the lower right side and notice the baby's foot pushing up towards Josephine's ribs. Josie groans in slight pain. "That's it Princesa, wake mommy up."

"For someone who enjoys being called mommy, you seem to refer to me as such a lot more." I don't look at her, just kiss lightly around her tight abdomen.

"That's because you're the pregnant one here, and this little one will call you that one day."

A part of me hoped she'd call me that one day too, but deep down I know it is highly unlikely. People don't stay too long in my life, and Josie will want to leave me once she has her daughter. I'm just here to keep her safe while she's pregnant. And even though I know all this, I still can't help that my feelings deepen the longer she sticks around.

"And you do call me that. Don't pretend like you don't. You just only use it when you're kissing ass to get something."

"Speaking of kissing ass," I smirk and glance up at her.

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