Chapter 11: "Have fun! Use protection, don't get pregnant!"

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"So, results?" Kanade asked Kazutora as they ate lunch at a diner. It was two days since they had gone to the haunted house. Kanade, Kazutora, and Chifuyu had all flown back to Shibuya while Baji was still in Yokohama taking care of business. "Success! Chifuyu's been telling me about their date and what they planned, when it's going to be, and stressing over what to wear since we got back from the haunted house." Kazutora chuckled at the last part. Kanade chuckled. "Nice to hear that things went smoothly. Oniichan had been describing him to me the day after he met him. I was curious to know who he was, glad to see they're working out." Kanade smiled and took a sip from their milkshake.

"Yeah, I hope things turn out well between them. I haven't seen Chifuyu this excited over a guy in a while." Kazutora stated. "I think things'll turn out even better than we expect." Kanade grinned. "Well, enough worrying about our ship. Let's focus on our date, how's your day been going?"

"Kazu!! Wake up, I need your help!!" Chifuyu shouted. "I was already awake but what do you need?" Kazutora sluggishly walked into Chifuyu's room. "Which shirt should I wear? This pastel plue and white colorblock shirt or this one that says c'est la vie on it?" Chifuyu asked. "I don't know, call Mitsuya or Hakkai and ask! They're the fashionable ones!" Kazutora said. "Hakkai and Mitsuya are in a different country right now!" Chifuyu pointed out. "Damn that's right. Well I like the c'est la vie shirt with those black and white Nikes." Kazutora said. "Alright, thanks. Now get out," Chifuyu said and pushed the bi-colored haired man towards the doorway.

"I'm going, I'm going. Let me know if you need anything." Kazutora said and left the room, closing the door behind him. Chifuyu went into his bathroom to shower and brush his teeth. He checked the time on his phone to make sure he wasn't going to be late. It was 9:27 and their date was at 10:35. "I wanna take a nap.." Chifuyu groaned but then slapped his cheeks to wake himself up. "No sleeping, I'll end up being late." Chifuyu asserted and went into to his room to get his clothes off of his bed and iron them. He quickly got dressed and looked around for his septum piercing.

"Kazutora! Do you know where my silver septum piercing is at?" Chifuyu asked as he opened his room door. "No! Just wear the gold one!" Kazutora responsed. "Alright," Chifuyu said and went back into his room. "I'll have to look for the silver one later." He made a mental note as he put the piercing in. He grabbed his helix earring and quickly put it in his left ear. "What did I do with my wallet?" Chifuyu searched around the house until Kazutora tossed Chifuyu's gray wallet at him. "It was on the counter." He explained, a toaster pastry in his mouth. Chifuyu thanked the older male and put his wallet in his pocket before grabbing his phone and house keys and announcing he was leaving. "Have fun! Use protection, don't get pregnant!" Kazutora said. "Thanks, and I can't get pregnant idiot!" Chifuyu yelled before the door shut. "Anything is possible!" Kazutora shouted and then the door shut.

Chifuyu laughed and started down the steps of the condo then down the sidewalk. The blonde checked his phone for the time; 10:17. He started walking faster until he reached a bus stop and waited patiently until a bus arrived. The blonde stepped on the bus and paid the bus fare then went to find a seat.

"Chifuyu, hi!" Baji waved over at the blonde. Chifuyu waved back and walked over to the ravenette. "How has your morning been?" The older male asked. "Frantic, and yours?" Chifuyu answered. "My morning was sluggish, how come yours was frantic?" Baji asked as they walked down the sidewalk. "Fashion crisis." Chifuyu said as if that explained everything. Though he and Baji shared a few braincells so the ravenette understood him completely. "Well I think you look great as always." Baji complimented and Chifuyu responded with, "Thank you, you look nice too." Baji smiled at the younger. "I didn't know you had a septum piercing." He said, looking at the gold piercing in Chifuyu's nose.

"Yeah, I don't wear it often." Chifuyu chuckled, bright red painted his cheeks. "It looks good on you, you should wear it more often." Baji told the blonde. "Maybe," Chifuyu said silently considering it. "Oh, we're here!" Baji stopped at the entrance of an amusement park. Massive roller coasters were active, there were sky drops around the park. Swings, carousels, ferris wheels, and loads of other rides covered the park. "Two twelve hour tickets please." Baji told the woman in the ticket booth. "There's a discount on couples tickets this weekend. Would you like a pair of those?" The woman asked looking over at Chifuyu. "Sure, thank you ma'am." Baji said, taking his wallet out.

"Wait, let me pay for my own ticket. I am the one that asked you out on this date." Chifuyu spoke up. "Huh, no I'll pay for it." Baji said. "Noo, let me pay for it!" Chifuyu pouted. "Um, I can set it so you two can split it." The woman suggested. "Ah, that works for me." Chifuyu agreed. Baji went along with it and they got their tickets. "What do you want do first?" Baji asked, intertwining his fingers with the blondes'. "Anything but a roller coaster." Chifuyu answered. "Are you scared of them? They aren't that bad. The only thing is the drop, or the spinning upside down, or the laying down ones." Baji told him. "Is this supposed to be making me feel at ease?" Chifuyu asked. "Is it not? Sorry. We can go on a small one before we leave." Baji suggested. "Okay..maybe." Chifuyu nodded. "Let's go on that fast ride right there!" Chifuyu pointed over at a red spinning ride. "Alright, don't start screaming though." Baji laughed. "Fuck you!" Chifuyu pouted. "I'm down, time and place?" Baji laughed at Chifuyu's reaction. "I'm joking, halfway." Baji chuckled.

"Okay back to going on that ride." Chifuyu cleared his throat, desperately trying to change the subject. "Right, don't piss yourself." Baji teased as they walked to the ride. "I won't!" Chifuyu huffed. After waiting a few minutes for the ride to end, they got into a seat with Baji on the inside just in case he didn't slam into Chifuyu due to gravity. "I'm rethinking my life choices right now." Chifuyu stated. Baji laughed. "Did I ever tell you that you have a nice laugh? It's so deep and husky like your voice." Chifuyu said, not taking notice that the ride was starting until they were up in the air and started spinning.

"OH SHIT! OH HELL NO, THIS IS TOO HIGH UP!" Chifuyu shouted, gripping Baji's shirt. "Calm down, it's only about twelve feet up." Baji rubbed his thumb over Chifuyu's hand. The ride sped up and Chifuyu felt as if he was going to puke. He turned towards Baji and hid his face in the ravenette's shirt. "You're so adorable, it'll be over soon. I think." Baji rubbed Chifuyu's back. "I wanna get off, I'm gonna be sick." Chifuyu mumbled. "No more fast rides for you." Baji chuckled and without thinking, kissed the top of the blondes head. Chifuyu felt his face, ears, and neck heat up.

"You can't just randomly kiss me like that." Chifuyu mumbled. "Hm? And why is that?" Baji asked, looking out at the crowd watching the people on the ride. "Because it embarrasses me." Chifuyu explained, shifting so he could look Baji in the eye. "Oh? I see," The ravenette nodded. "So not because you don't like it?" He asked, seeking clarification. "Eh- no that's not it! I do like it, but when you do it so abruptly I get flustered.." Chifuyu rambled. Baji chuckled at the blonde's answer. "So if I asked before kissing you, would you still get flustered?" Baji asked, obviously hinting at something but Chifuyu was too oblivious to notice. "Well yeah, but-" Chifuyu started to talk but was interrupted by the ravenette asking, "Can I kiss you?"

"Wh- huh?! Wait wait, you're joking around right?" Chifuyu's face was a dark red. "Nope, no jokes here." Baji said. Chifuyu sat there for a moment contemplating before settling on a simple and quiet, "Sure."

Baji leaned closer to the blonde and gently caressed his cheek. They made eye contact and stared into each other's eyes before the ravenette gently kissed Chifuyu. It was a quick but sweet kiss. At least, sweet enough for Chifuyu to short circuit. "You- we- wait-" Chifuyu stammered, trying to process what just happened. "Yes we did, also the ride is almost over." Baji pointed out and Chifuyu started unbuckled his seatbelt before the ride came to a full stop.

"I can't feel my feet!" Chifuyu exclaimed once they were off the ride. "I don't have an answer for that." Baji laughed and Chifuyu wiggled his foot. "Maybe its the shoes.." He thought aloud and shook his other foot. "Wanna go sit down? We can find something to eat." Baji suggested. "Nah, let's go on the ferris wheel. I wanna see the view from up there." Chifuyu said, looking up at the massive wheel. "You almost pissed yourself when we were elevated like thirteen feet, are you sure you can handle that?" Baji raised an eyebrow. "Yes! Now let's go get in line!" Chifuyu smiled and grabbed Baji's hand, leading him to the ferris wheel.

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