"I was planning on hanging out with you tomorrow. Y'know, just the two of us!"

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A/N: listen, there's probably things that need to be im italics or bolded but this chapter is longer than usual and i am tired and this probably won't even be crossposted to wattpad until later tomorrow, (sorry wattpad readers ily) but like I GOT JORDAN 1'S YAY !! and they're like those expensive shiny red and black ones so we love that . <33 anyway enjoy the chapter

fun fact: the song chifuyu sung to baji is actually a song my mother used to sing to me when i was younger to wake me up 🥰

Emma, Koko, and Baji constructed a very thorough plan. And honestly it'd be very effective; if Chifuyu wasn't hanging out with other people for half of the trip. Baji restrained himself from saying anything about it since Chifuyu was enjoying spending time with his friends. The ravenette would never make him feel bad for taking time for himself and having fun. It just wasn't in him to say something. So he just suffered in silence, which clearly is not how you solve things. He was like a land mine waiting to stepped on, and it wasn't long until Chifuyu stepped off of him and allowed him to blow.

"Alright Baji. It's been two days already. What have you accomplished in these two days, may I ask?" Koko sat down across from the younger ravenette. "Uhh, I got a ring." Baji shrugged and pulled a ring box out of his pocket. "What else?" The older pressed, drumming his fingers on the table. "I reserved seats at a restaurant for us later this week." The other ravenette started to rack his brain for more things he did but that's all that came to mind. "That's it? Have you even talked to Chifuyu after getting here?" Emma questioned, a hint of worry flashed across her face. "Uhh, a little bit?? He told me that he was going to hang with Kazutora today, blew me a kiss, and left." Baji answered, recalling that morning and took a sip of his iced tea.

"My god, Baji. At this rate you're not gonna get around to proposing in a year, let alone a week!" The blonde sighed and rubbed her temple. "Alright, instead of having you take care of getting Chifuyu in the right spot to propose, we'll take care of that. Change that reservation to tomorrow night, me and Emma will take care of the rest. All you have to do is rest well and look pretty while you propose." Koko instructed before calling the waiter over and asking for the check. "Yeah, rest your pretty little head. Sorry to tell you, but you're looking horrendous! Did you sleep at all last night?" Emma asked, using her fingers to pull the skin under Baji's eye down to get a better look.

"Hey hey, watch it! You have on acrylics dammit!" The younger ravenette hissed, trying to save his eye from being stabbed by Emma's unnaturally long nails. "Sorry, sorry. Anyway, those bags aren't okay. Chifuyu's gonna suspect something's wrong if he notices them." She told the ravenette and Koko agreed. "Yeah, I'll add onto that. Try to avoid being suspicious. Chifuyu's a very inquisitive person, I'm sure you've notice that. He'll pick up on it if you're acting out of the ordinary." He said and turned his attention to the waiter who'd returned with the check. "Anyway, keep what we told you in mind. I've gotta go find Inupi, he's gotten his ass lost in the mall." The older male stood up and paid the waiter. "Mall?? Wait on me, I'll call Yuzuha and join you." Emma hurried and got up to call her fiancée, giving Baji a slight wave as she left. "See ya later, make sure you remember what we said." Koko nagged and followed Emma out the cafe.

'Yeah, I'll keep it in mind all right.' Baji thought as he got up to leave himself. He walked down the sidewalk aimlessly, looking in the windows of different shops. A certain shop caught his eye; a baby clothing and supply store. Why this stood out to him in contrast to all the other more intriguing shops, well the ravenette wasn't too sure himself. "What the hell, am I sick or something?" Baji scratched his head as he continued to walk. He felt as if he kept thinking about the weirdest things and couldn't wrap his head around why.

The ravenette was snapped out of his thoughts by the feeling of his phone vibrating in his pocket. Hoping it'd be Chifuyu, he hurried and pulled his phone out only to see it was his personal assistant, Sa-Nim. The male sighed and answered the phone in disappointment. "Hello?" He heard the woman prompt, her voice sounded very uneasy. "Hey, Sa-Nim. Everything alright?" The ravenette asked as he continued to stroll down the sidewalk. "Uhh, yeah. Just one issue, you know that new employee working under Yuka-kun?" Sa-Nim questioned, continuing what she was saying when Baji hummed in affirmation. "Yeah, he like, lost the file for those stocks we were investing in." She groaned, Baji could hear the frustration in her voice. "Ah shit. Alright, call someone from the tech division and see if they can recover the data. I'll try to work on the issue from here." The ravenette directed and checked his watch for the time. "Okay, sorry about this Baji-san. I really didn't want to bother you during your first vacation in awhile but, damn it. Sorry, I'll have to call you back, I'm getting a call from director Yuu." Sa-Nim told her boss before exchanging goodbyes and hanging up.

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