Chapter 12: "Do You Want Me To Drive You Home?"

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"You sure you're not scared?" Baji asked as they neared the front of the line. "No! I've been on plenty of ferris wheels!" Chifuyu claimed. "Alright, you're not claustrophobic or acrophobic right?" Baji asked. "Do you think I'd want to go here if I was?" Chifuyu asked, trying to make a point. "Fair point." Baji nodded and they slid into the inclosed ferris wheel seat. "Don't try anything funny." Chifuyu warned the ravenette. "Alright alright, I won't." The older male laughed. "Unless you consent to it." He added. Chifuyu muttered something under his breath and sat down beside the older male.

"Look, a camera! They probably snap pictures of the passengers and display them once we get off. I think they let us buy them." Baji pondered, trying to remember. "When do they take the pictures?" Chifuyu asked, combing his fingers through the ravenette's hair. "I think when we reach the top." Baji said as he relaxed into Chifuyu's gentle touch. "Can I braid your hair?" Chifuyu asked, already sectioning Baji's hair off. "Sure, don't tangle it though." Baji chuckled. "I won't, I'm a master at braiding!" Chifuyu proclaimed and Baji laughed. Chifuyu guided his hands down the older man's hair, weaving the sections together. "Hey look out the window!" Baji pointed at the theme park. Chifuyu finished braiding his hair and looked out the window. "Woah!! So cool!" Chifuyu gasped. Baji looked at the younger man and smiled at him. The other was awestruck by the view below him.

"Oh, we stopped!" Chifuyu realized. Baji stopped staring at the blonde before he noticed and bit his lip at the camera. Chifuyu laughed and kissed Baji's cheek right before the picture was taken. "I thought we agreed on no funny business." Baji raised an eyebrow. "Eh, that only goes for you." Chifuyu smiled and leaned his head on Baji's shoulder. "This is prejudice." Baji snickered. "Maybe," The blonde chuckled. The two felt the car start moving and looked out the window at the view below them. People were everywhere, on rides, in line, sitting down eating, walking around to find their next activity or a snack, playing games. The two could tell it'd be an enjoyable "first" date-we all know it's like their third though.

Once they'd gotten to the bottom and got off they went to see their picture. "I literally look like a piece of bubblegum!" Baji exclaimed. Chifuyu was in front of him giggling uncontrollably. "Would you like to purchase your pictures?" The cashier asked. "Sure, two nine by sixteen photos please." Baji said and took out his wallet. "Wa-" Chifuyu started but was interrupted by Baji. "Nope, I got it. Let me pay this time." He smiled and held up his card before handing it to the cashier. "That'll be- oh, do you want me to go ahead and swipe it sir?" They asked. "Yes please." Chifuyu watched as Baji got the pictures and thanked the person at the register. "You should've let me pay." Chifuyu frowned. "You can pay next date." Baji smirked. "Next date...alright sounds good to me!" Chifuyu nodded, excitement bubbled through his body at the thought of going on another date with the latter. "Alright, where to next?"

"I'm going to go on this roller coaster. You can stay here and watch if you want." Baji said, pointing at the huge green and blue roller coaster that wrapped around the entire park. "Wait, let me go with you!" Chifuyu said, grasping the olders' hand. "You sure? This isn't like those other rides we went on." Baji told the blonde, a bit worried since Chifuyu seemed to scare easily. "Yeah, let's go!" Chifuyu grinned and started walking toward the 'fast pass' line. "Alright then." Baji chuckled and followed the younger man. Since the two had fast pass access, they got to surpass the line and get on, they were at the front of the roller coaster and Chifuyu was already second guessing his decision. "You sure you don't wanna get off and watch?" Baji checked again. "Nope! I'm perfectly fine." The blonde said, more-so trying to convince himself than the ravenette sitting beside him.

"All riders please make sure you don't have any loose items on you such as hats, phones, sandals, and glasses of any type on you. If you do, please put them in the box over to your left; you will be able to retrieve them once the ride has ended. Please raise your arms up as a worker comes around to make sure you're secure." An employee instructed over a loudspeaker. "You're positive?" Baji asked, genuinely worried. "Yup!!" Chifuyu nodded but his face paled when the 'squeeze tire' locked in. "Riders, are you ready??" "Noo.." Chifuyu whimpered quietly. Other passengers cheered and there were some who was just as scared as Chifuyu. "All right! You'll be taking off in!! Enjoy your ride!!"

The ride jerked forward and started off slowly, gradually getting faster and faster before it suddenly came to a stop. "Are we stuck??" Chifuyu's eyes widened causing Baji to laugh a bit. "No, we're about to go down a decline." He explained. Chifuyu squirmed in his seat, not liking the idea of feeling like he'd been thrown out of a plane. He started taking deep breaths until he was interrupted by a sudden drop. People, including Baji, threw their hands up and screaming whilst Chifuyu started shrieking. The ride sped up, went through a clothoid-loop twice, then went over a lake, then slowed again before going down for another drop. Chifuyu's nerves calmed down a bit after realizing it wasn't as bad as he'd expected it to be. He actually started smiling a bit. "You look like you're enjoying yourself!!" Baji shouted so the blonde could hear him over the wind. "Yeah!! It's not as bad as I anticipated!" Chifuyu yelled back as they went through a dark tunnel. Baji lowered his arms so they wouldn't 'break off'. They exited the tunnel, the roller coaster did another clothoid-loop then dropped right after. Up, loop, down, slow, down again, up, loop, up. By the time the ride had ended Chifuyu was dizzier than a motherfucker.

"Welcome back riders, did you enjoy your ride?" The man over the loudspeaker asked, people screaming 'yeah' in response. "Glad to hear it! Our employees will help you out, there'll be one at each car. If you need to grab anything from the belongings box feel free to do so. Enjoy the rest of your day!" Baji helped Chifuyu stand up straight, laughing as he did. "I'm literally so dizzy what the hell." Chifuyu laughed as they walked down the steps. "Woah, what time is it?" Baji asked as they exited the amusement park. "Twenty-three o'one." Chifuyu answered as he looked at his phone screen. "My god, do you want me to drive you home?" Baji offered. "Yeah, that'd be great."


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