Chapter 30: Meeting The Parents

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A/N: guys i reread love shuttle bc i love it sm which i did in an entire day i also watched a movie i'll give you guys the sauce when i find the name of it-


"Tell me more about your mother." Chifuyu smiled at the ravenette seated across the table from him. Baji had ordered some fried chicken for them to eat for dinner. Chifuyu had insisted on letting him go pick it up but Baji told him that if one of his toes step outside he wouldn't kiss or hug him for a week and that was enough to convince the blonde to listen and stay in. "Well, Kanade's the splitting image of her, except for her eye color which she gets from her dad. I have the same eye color as ma," Baji began to tell Chifuyu all about things he remembered from when he was a little kid about his mom. "Oh and for my sixth birthday she baked me a cake since we didn't have enough to buy one. Believe me when I say that it was better than any store bought cake or bakery cake. That thing was damn scrumptious." The older laughed and Chifuyu giggled along with him. "Y'know, I should take you to meet ma. You already know Kanade and they're practically ma's twin. They look and act the same, it's damn ridiculous." The ravenette chuckled and then looked over at the blonde who was staring at him eagerly. "What the- why're staring at me like that?" He began to become flustered and looked at the chicken on his plate. "Because you're so handsome, I can't stare at my boyfriends' beauty?" The blond smiled genuinely at the ravenette which caused the older to blush even more.

"But meeting your mom sounds like an amazing idea! Let's do it tomorrow!" The younger had a look of determination on his face but frowned when his lover told him that he needed to take some time to rest and feel better. "Fine..." Chifuyu drawled and pouted. "Don't pout, you're going to make me feel bad and give in." The older said and Chifuyu snickered before asking, "Is it working?" Baji sighed and smiled before standing up and kissing the blond's forehead. "If you're not vomiting, coughing, or extremely cold tomorrow then I'll take you to see her. Deal?" He negotiated as he took his and the younger's plate to clean. "Deal! You'll see, no sickness can ever bea-" Chifuyu began to cough before he could even finish his sentence and he cursed under his breath. "Yeah, whatever you say babe." The ravenette chuckled and went to clean the dishes. "I'm gonna go shower!" Chifuyu huffed and got up from the table a bit too fast which made him a bit lightheaded. "Woah there, you okay?" Baji asked, peeking through the island window at the younger. "Yup! Everything's perfectly fine!" Chifuyu gave the ravenette a thumbs up before walking away, though he ended up coughing a bit as he did so.

"Good morning my love! As you can see I'm very much not sick and in a perfect condition to meet your mother!" Chifuyu waltzed in the room carrying a bowl of cereal for the previously sleeping ravenette. Baji slowly opened his eyes, only to close them again because the light was too bright. "Babes you gotta wake up, its already eleven twenty-four." Chifuyu kissed the older's forehead and then his nose. Baji puckered his lips, expecting a kiss on the lips from Chifuyu but didn't receive one. "Aht aht, ya gotta eat breakfast first." The blond said and sat down on the bed beside the halfway awake ravenette. Baji yawned and sat up, finally opening his eyes.

"Why can't I have a kiss before I eat?" He asked and ate the spoonful of cereal Chifuyu was feeding him. "Because I will not be kissing you with morning breath, you're going to brush your teeth after you eat then I'll kiss you." The younger said and took a bite of his toast. "Hey! I want bread too!" Baji opened his mouth expecting for Chifuyu to feed his a piece. The latter gave him a mere crumb instead. "Ah- what the?" Baji said in surprise. "Appreciate the cereal I made for you. There was only one piece of bread left, which just so happened to be the butt. Kazutora doesn't eat those so he leaves them for me." Chifuyu explained and fed the older another spoonful of cereal. "Fineeee.." The older drawled and ate another bite of cereal.

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