Chapter 22: Wassuh Baby, Take Me Out Ta Dinner 💀

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"A Haitani?! Like, those super famous model twins? Which one??" Chifuyu  asked, the questions spilling out of his mouth overwhelming the blue haired boy. "Nahoya! Why'd you tell him?" The younger twin cried and the pink haired shrugged and laughed at his brothers' misery. Souya scoffed but then prepared himself to answer the eager blonde's questions. "Yes I'm dating a Haitani twin, one of the models. I'm dating Rindou Haitani, y'know, the blue haired one with blonde highlights?" The younger confirmed. "There's no fukkin way...GIMME SOME MONEY DA FUQ??" Chifuyu exclaimed and held his hand out expectantly. Nahoya was shrieking with laughter and was currently on the floor wiping tears from his face. "OH SHIT!! OHHH, BLONDIE YOU FUNNY!!" He cried out as he pounded the floor. "Bro calm down, goddamn. No, you do not deserve any compensation." The blue haired squinted at the blonde.

"Bro, that's not even fair man." Chifuyu whined and slumped over the counter. Nahoya started snickering again as he gave the slumped blonde ten yen as a joke. "What am I gonna do with this?"  Chifuyu raised an eyebrow at the older twin as he fiddled with the coin. "I dunno, buy something from a vending machine or something." The pink haired shrugged and blew a stray curl out of his face. "So, how's life?" Souya asked the blonde, as he placed his elbows on the counter and rested his chin in his hands. "Boring, same old same old. Although my new boyfriend seems to be having a minor inconvenience-per say, at his work." The blonde groaned and slammed his head on the counter, the twins both had a concerned look on their faces, though their expressions were very limited. "Oh right! I heard from Mitsuya that you're dating that CEO guy that used to be his roommate, right?" Nahoya asked even though he obviously already knew the answer. "Well you just all up in the business huh?" Souya said, looking over at his pink haired twin. "Shut up! He just told me willingly! Free will ya little bastard!" The older twin claimed as he flipped his brother off, the blue haired doing the same back to him. Chifuyu just laughed and snapped pictures of them.

"Damn, it's already time for our break to end. Welp, we'll come back to bother tomorrow! Call us when your shift's over, the groups meeting up for dinner! Koko's treat by the way," Nahoya snickered , clearly lying about it being Koko's treat but Chifuyu didn't mind a bit. Free food ya know. "Alright, we'll be there. I'll hit you up later! Have a good one!" Chifuyu waved at the twins, earning a wave from Souya and the middle finger from Nahoya. The twins headed out of the door and not long after they were gone. The blonde sighed and began picking at the chip in the counter, bored once again. But, not for long. About seven minutes after the twins headed back to work, a little girl ran into the shop, a boy behind her, who seemed a little bit older than the girl. Both had huge smiles plastered across their faces. Two adults walked in about a minute after the kids. Both were women, hand in hand and smiling brightly as well.

"Hello! We came to look at some cats for kids here." A brunette said, motioning to the children gawking at all the pet toys on display. "Of course! The cats are right over here!" Chifuyu stood up and led four to the cats and kittens. Some were roaming around the room, others were scratching at a cat tower, then of course there were some asleep. "This one here is a kitten. She was born five months ago." Chifuyu told the customers as he gently scooped up a white kitten with a brown spot on its belly. "It's so cute!" The girl squealed and her brother eagerly nodded in agreement. "Mommy, we want this one!" The boy exclaimed as he tugged at his mother's shirt. "Let's look at a few more before we settle. Remember, we have room for two so if you don't change your mind you can get that one and other one." One of the women told the two kids, trying to be reasonable with them. "Hmm, okay!" The girl smiled and the two kids went to look around at more cats.

"Do you work here by yourself?" The brunette asked Chifuyu. "No ma'am, I run this shop with my friend. He's out taking care of a personal matter at the moment." Chifuyu answered, having to slightly look up at the woman as she was very tall and on top of that she was wearing heels. "I see, are you guys hiring? You see we actually have another kid, an eighteen year old, who's been looking for a part time job to make some college money." The brunette explained, Chifuyu noticed that the woman had a habit of making hand motions as she spoke. "We actually are hiring, I can get an application for them while you guys look at the cats." He offered and motioned down the hallway where the lobby was. "Oh, thanks so much! That'll work perfectly." The other woman, who's hair was black with blue highlights, smiled at the blonde with gratitude.  Chifuyu smiled at the two and then went to go grab a job application. Though he was stopped dead in his tracks when he got a text message from Kazutora that read:

Baji's been admitted to the hospital for a min. He was collapsed when they had found em, before I even got there. Apparently there were a few inflicted gunshot wounds in his stomach and leg. Sumn about a sniper attack, and etc. They said sumn bout visiting hrs round 5 or sum shit like that ... He's already undergone surgery and he's in recovery rn . Just wanted to tell ya ! don't stress or nun tho!

"There's no fuckin' way...he sounded okayish over the phone.." Chifuyu muttered under his breath, panic bubbling up inside his gut. He'd obviously ignored the last piece of Kazutora's message. In fact, the male had practically short-circuited after reading 'hospital'. Now of course, he would have to force himself to calm down so he could get through the rest of the work day successfully. And he did so. He handled the current customers he had, gave them an application, helped them find two cats they all loved, they adopted them and they were off. Same process for the rest of the day. Help find pet, adoption complete, send on their way. The blonde did all of this while trying to focus of keeping his mind empty, absolutely clear of anything. He didn't want a single thought of his injured boyfriend to slip in his mind and spoil the rest of his day. Some regular customers seemed to notice that the blonde's coworker was out that day and he used the same excuse he did earlier. "He's out handling personal matters at the moment." Was what he said with a forced smile. The more people brought up his bi-colored haired friend, the more he found his brain drifting to Baji. Finally, Chifuyu successfully made it through the day without going insane. Now he just had to make the train ride, which he would probably fall asleep on anyway if we're being honest.

"Why the devil would someone shoot him anyway?"

A/N: ok so like someone on my sendit (snap thing) just confessed to me and i told them to slide up AND THEY NEVER DID 🧍🏽‍♀️. i understand tho , i did like reject them so it's embarrassing 🤷🏽‍♀️💀

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