Chapter 20: "Sayin' That He Had Cancer & Shit.."

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"So, what you're telling me is you left me here in Shibuya and went to Kyoto with your new future husband and went shopping at one of the most expensive malls in Japan?! You guys literally bought promise rings?! You're dating now?! And then you guys stayed in a prestigious hotel?! I cannot believe you right now, I just need some time to myself." Kazutora shook his head in disbelief and dramatically fell backward onto the sofa, a hand over his forehead to express his absolute dubiety. "You're such a drama queen, it's literally not that big of a deal. Anyway, where's my sweet baby Peke?" Chifuyu asked and set down his shopping bags to look for his dear cat. "You didn't see my text? I had to take him to the vet because he started acting funny like, vomiting everywhere and didn't move or anything. He just laid there in the same spot and I got worried." Kazutora explained the elderly cat's condition, concern taking place of Chifuyu's excitement with each word that spilled out the bi-colored haired males mouth.

"Oh my goodness, you should've called me! Which vet is he at?" Chifuyu asked as he hurriedly grabbed his coat and rushed to the genkan to pull his sneakers on and tie them. "Daikanyama Animal Clinic, its not far from the shop. Also, I did call you but you were too busy with your husband so you didn't pick up." Kazutora told the blonde as he watched the younger struggle to tie his shoe from being in such a hurry. "Calm down a bit, I'm sure Peke J will be okay. They'll take great care of him Chifuyu." The older male reassured his roommate as he slowly got up from his spot on the sofa. To be honest, worry was eating away at him inside too, of course he wasn't going to let Chifuyu see that with the frantic state he was currently in. He knew that the blonde had been stressing about the cats health recently since he was getting old. The only thing he could do was try to reassure the blonde and keep him calm and rational. Chifuyu, however, was on the brink of just walking right out of the apartment building and walking about six miles all the way to the veterinarian's office since he couldn't seem to find his keys. " keys. Where'd I put them?" Chifuyu frantically muttered under his breath as he paced back and forth looking for his keys.

"Personally, I don't think you're in the best mental state to drive at the moment. You're acting like a husband who's spouse is going into labor." Kazutora said, feeling the need to put his two cents in at that moment which only earned him a stern glare from the younger. "Sorry, bad time to make a stab at humor." Kazutora winced and grabbed his coat. "Come on, I'll drive."  Kazutora pulled his coat on and grabbed his keys. Chifuyu was already out the door and down the steps by the time Kazutora put on his shoes and made it outside. "Woah, calm down. No need to rush. If we're lucky, we'll make it there by the time they find out what's wrong with him." The bi-colored haired male tried to be reasonable but the younger wasn't having any of it. He was already making his way to the parking garage, blocking out everything the older said as he rushed to the car. Kazutora gave up on trying to reason with the latter and just focused on keeping him in a rational condition instead.

"Are we there yet?" Chifuyu asked not even an entire five minutes after they'd started driving. "Almost, don't be like one of those aggravating kids that ask that every thirty seconds please." Kazutora sighed and Chifuyu muttered something under his breath is response. "I will wreck this motherfucking car right now, play wimme." Kazutora threatened. He could've sworn he heard Chifuyu mumble something along the lines of "Fucking bitch, just drive faster it's not hard." though the look of utter confusion and fear the younger gave him made him second guess his thoughts. "My fault, thought you said something. I must be hearing things." The older apologized and turned his attention to the street as they neared the animal hospital. "There's the shop, damn we'll have to work later in the night since we're opening late." Chifuyu groaned and ran a hand through his hair. Kazutora hummed in response as he tried to focus to turning into a parking spot without hitting someone's car. There was a reason he didn't drive often and it was because he can't park for shit. "Lord have mercy upon us cause we finna die." Chifuyu sighed and shook his head as he looked in the rear view mirror to see another car attempting to turn into the parking spot beside them.

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