Chapter 42

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A/N: oh . it's june ?? I'M LITERALLY SORRY WDF . cheer and volleyball have me super busy but like there's literally no excuse as to why this took forever . sorry sorry sorry !

"How on Earth is it literally only a week until the wedding?" Kazutora questioned as he checked his phone calendar. Kanade agreed as they rubbed their swollen stomach. "Let's pray that Baji and Chifuyu make it to their wedding day," Takemichi interjected and Hina slapped him on his arm before he continued. "You guys know Chifuyu's so stressed out that he's been breaking out in hives and running fevers. Baji's been swamped with work, finalizing plans, and taking care of him." Mitsuya nodded in agreement. "We tried to offer our help but Baji dismissed us entirely, he said he didn't wanna burden us. I think Chifuyu's rubbed off on him..."

"Taka-chan, you should cut Chifuyu some slack!" Hakkai chuckled and took a sip of his coffee. The six of them met up at a nearby cafe that was in the vicinity of their hotel. Baji and Chifuyu took care of all the fundings for the rooms and whatever else they needed. The only thing they expected in exchange was wedding gifts. Must be nice...moving on. Takemichi was genuinely worried and a when he received a phone call from Chifuyu he struggled to answer it. "This is Takemichi Hanagaki speaking, who's this?" He answered and heard a few a snickers from his friends. "Oh I see, you don't have my number saved anymore, huh? I didn't mean to annoy you with wedding issues that much," Chifuyu joked on the other line.

"Ahh! Hi Chifuyu, that's not it at all! I was just startled by the phone call and didn't see the caller ID." Takemichi explained and Kazutora was literally beating the table to fight his laughter. Kanade shushed him but they were close to losing their composure as well. "Mhmm, well anyway I called to see if you've been able to get in touch with Kazutora because I can't get in touch with Keisuke. I've been calling him nonstop and he's not answering." Takemichi exchanged a look with the group and gave Chifuyu an answer once Kazutora shook his head. "He hasn't heard from Baji, most of us are actually together at the cafe around the corner, wanna meet up?"

"Yeah, that'll work. Where the hell did I put my keys..." Chifuyu muttered on the other line and Kazutora raised a knowing eyebrow. "It's probably in the sink." "Ha, you're right! Thanks 'Tora!" Chifuyu had a weird habit of putting his keys in the sink when he got home because he usually has dishes in his hand. Kazutora picked up on this when they were living together and would always scold him for it because he was worried that the electric car key would break somehow. "Alright 'Mitchy, I'm on my way there. I'll hang up now, lemme know if you hear anything from Keisuke!" "Got it, see ya in a bit." Takemichi said and ended the call.

"So, Baji's off the grid." Mitsuya stated the obvious and earned a few groans and eye roll's from the group. "Thanks captain obvious, I would've never guessed that." Kazutora deadpanned and side-eyed him. "My god, it was a joke guys. Damn." "It wasn't very funny Taka-chan," "Barely." "Why do I associate myself with you guys again?" Mitsuya huffed and gawked at the window when he saw Chifuyu speed walking towards the entrance. "There's absolutely no way he didn't get a speeding ticket on his way here." "Son of a bitch, I almost got pulled over." The blond grumbled as he waltzed into the cafe and towards the table he spotted his friends at.

"I thought you were sick-" Kazutora starter but was elbowed in the side by Kanade. "Who's to say I'm not?" Chifuyu raised a teasing eyebrow and pulled a chair from another table to sit down. In a manner similar to the way Baji would sit. "Alright, any word from Keisuke? I absolutely refuse to be left at the altar before I even make it to the damn altar." His proclamation made a few people quirk an eyebrow trying to figure out how that would even work. "The math's not mathing, how about you Hina?" Mitsuya scratched his head in confusion. "Yeah, I got nothing."

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