Chapter 29: "I'll Wait For You Right Here."

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A/N:  guys this manhwa i'm reading has me sobbing omg (its called park hanhoo's manager for anyone wondering and ima base a fic offa it eventually-)

'Boy ainnoway boy. Did I just unintentionally get my best friend's boyfriend to literally drop everything and fly between countries?' Kazutora just sat down in absolute flabbergastment. "Fuck that Ima just sleep on it and prepare myself for an ass whooping from Chifuyu and Peke J tomorrow." He shook his head and curled up on the couch. "Wow. That fucker really dropped everything 'cause Chifuyu is acting weird. That's some different type of love right there." The bi-colored stared at the ceiling and began to rethink all his life choices. Then his mind drifted to Kanade, the wonderful person he'd became infatuated with these past few months. They'd shown him so much love nobody had ever showed him before. There was something about them that Kazutora hadn't felt with anyone else before. He felt as if they would actually get somewhere together. But the thing was, he had no clue how to express his love to them. Growing up with no love shown towards him; he found comfort in literally beating the shit out of people which resulted in him getting jailed. Twice. It wasn't until Chifuyu quite literally slapped the living daylight out of him on accident in junior high that he found true comfort in someone. Chifuyu felt extremely bad for it since Kazutora fell out on the floor and it left a mark on his cheek for about five days. Even after the incident he continued to hang around Kazutora and offered his friendship repeatedly. Kazutora was skeptical at first since nobody was so pressed to be his friend like that before, but he eventually warmed up to the blond. They did almost everything together. Smoked their first blunt together-which is also when they found out Kazutora is asthmatic and that smoking was not for Chifuyu, they beat people up at times, probably pickpocketed random bummies on the streets a couple of times, shoplifted together. Of course they didn't do only illegal things, just majority of it was against the law until they reached age seventeen because they didn't want to get thrown into the big house. The bi-colored drifted to sleep with memories of his eventful high school days flowing through his head.

"...of a bitch. HANEMIYA KAZUTORA!!" Chifuyu yelled in his friend's ear after repeatedly calling him for the umpteenth time. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Kazutora shrieked as he literally jumped off the couch and landed onto the floor splayed out on his back. "Don't you ever do that shit again I literally thought you were the opps and was about the slap the fuck outta you." The bi-colored haired scolded and hopped up off the floor. "Yeah yeah whatever, anyway why did I just see that Baji's back in damn Japan? And why were you on the phone with him last night?" Chifuyu began to interrogate, as he waved the bi-colored hairs phone in the air. "Oh shit! I mean, I dunno what you're talking about." Kazutora began to whistle and shrugged as if it didn't add more suspicion to himself. "Hanemiya Kazutora. What the hell did you do?" Chifuyu's tone became more threatening with each word that slipped past his lips. "Well I sorta kinda told Baji you've been acting weird in a concerning way cause you are but anyway he um kinda like bought a plane ticket for like either five or eight in the morning I don't fuckin' remember but yeah and now he's on the way back and will be here around noon." Kazutora rambled and by the time he finished the blond was cracking his knuckles with a pissed off look on his face. "Acting weird like how might I ask?" Chifuyu asked in a uncharacteristically nice tone which scared Kazutora to the brink of just jumping out the window and running all the way to Smiley or Angry's place since they lived the closest. "I dunno, you've been swamping yourself with work and haven't been getting much rest or eating that much..." The bi-colored haired mumbled as he fidgeted with the edge of the sofa he was attempting to use as a shield. "Huh? Whaddya mean? I've been acting pretty normal in my opinion." The younger cocked his head to the side in confusion. "Of course you wouldn't notice it, but believe me when I say that you're not making, erm, healthy choices per say. Chifuyu...are y-" Kazutora began to explain but of course he's still a dumbass so before he could even finish that question Chifuyu interrupted him by saying, "Fuck no, Tora. How many times have gone over this? I'm not pregnant!" Kazutora just gave the blond a doubtful look and shrugged. "I'll tell Baji to be prepared to pay for weird pregnancy cravings and diapers." The older male said and dodged a pillow the blond threw at him with full force. "Hey! What the hell man? Uh oh, the pregnancy hormones are coming out!" The bi-colored haired joked and ducked behind the couch when the younger threw a package at him. "For the last time, I'm not pregnant dammit!" Chifuyu shouted.

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