Chapter Three

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Korn had been working for CYZ Fabricators for about 5 months when he realized there was a problem with several casting moulds. They were outfitted years ago and were far from regulation. But in addition, they were showing increasing failures. Castings that were rejected for one reason or another were a common occurrence on the shop floor. They needed to be updated.

The truth was, they needed to be replaced but Korn wasn't delusional enough to suggest a complete factory overhaul because of a few sub-par products. He'd have to wait until he'd been around a little longer and knew the lay of the land. It didn't pay to walk all over the toes of someone whose ass he might have to kiss down the line.

Knowing he was the most junior employee, Korn had done his research about the equipment, about the options that were available to them and about what they could do in the long run, the short run and with or without a significant budget. He'd covered all his bases very carefully. All he needed to do was have a talk with the powers-that-be and hope they listened.

"I'm sorry this is taking so long. He had an unexpected call from a supplier," The assistant to the production manager, Phi Chaisee, said to him while he waited.

Korn had made an appointment for 10:30 a.m. in the hope that nothing would clash with his time. He was wrong. It was inching towards a quarter past eleven. He only had until half-past before he was missed.

Korn was debating the best course of action when he realised, he didn't have a choice. "I'm sorry, but I need to get back to the factory. Is there any way I can reschedule my appointment?"

"He doesn't really have any other available slots except now."

"That's what you said but I haven't even seen him."

His response did not impress Phi Chaisee. She looked like she'd bitten into something distasteful but was trying to spare him whatever was going on in her head. There was no way to win.

Korn had learnt a thing or two after working for ABT but he wanted to give CYZ Fabricators a chance and not judge them on his past experience. He chose to leave the folder with the report he'd written in the hope that it would get to his boss—and eventually to someone who could do something about it.

"Please give this to Khun Sap. I'd be happy to discuss it when he has a moment."

"Discuss what?" Khun Sap asked when he stepped out of his office just as Korn handed the report to his assistant.

She handed it to her boss while giving Korn a look that was probably meant to be a smile but looked more like a baring of teeth. He was increasingly aware that she might not like him very much but he didn't know why.

"What's this?" Khun Sap asked taking the report and flipping through it quickly.

"I wanted to speak to you about the machinery in the casting section and some of my recommendations," Korn said after greeting his boss with the utmost respect.

He knew this was something that could easily offend so he was particularly apologetic as he spoke.

"Why would you be making any kind of recommendations?" Khun Sap asked making it clear Korn had missed the mark.

"With the way things are right now, it is not just a cost to the factory for all the items that get sent back from QC but a danger to the people working in that department. With just a few tweaks..."

"There's no reason for you to worry about this..." Khun Sap dismissed. "I'm sure your recommendations are perfectly reasonable but I don't think we can spare the budget or the manpower for it."

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