Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"What do you need from me?" Mew's question was met with a heavy sigh from Korn.

It told him nothing. But the way Korn's grip tightened around him made him wish there was a way to put that into words. It felt right. But Mew was afraid to let himself hope. There was every chance he was wrong. Except Korn leaned forward and kissed him. Soft and simple, it was nothing like he'd been moments before. It only confused Mew more.

"I just"

The direct answer should have been the reassurance Mew needed but the desperation in Korn's behaviour painted a different picture. He wanted to press him; get down to whatever was bothering Korn. Instead, he pushed him in the direction of the bathroom.

"Go shower first."

He should have expected it when Korn tried to draw him into the bedroom with him. Under normal circumstances, Mew would have been happy to accommodate such a request. But he wanted to give Korn the time to decompress before they talked again.

"I'll have dinner ready in a minute," Mew said trying to redirect Korn's attention. "You decide which appetite you want to feed first."

"If I wasn't so hungry, I would throw you over my shoulder," he threatened.

"Now that's something I'd like to see—" Mew started only for Korn to head back towards him, "—but you need to finish quickly and I don't think you want that to be something you're known for."

"Well played," Korn acknowledged with a laugh.

Mew was left him standing in the corridor with a very obvious erection but there were more important things than sex. He'd successfully redirected Korn's attention for now but he still wanted to get to the bottom of the matter. He hoped he would get him to talk or at least acknowledge that something was going on.

As much as he wished it was nothing, he knew something was up.

Korn came out of the bathroom in a towel looking good enough to eat. Whatever control he'd been able to exert on his body flew out the window at the sight in front of him. The definition in his chest and abs invited Mew to touch. The expanse of flawless skin looked good enough to lick—the likeness to caramel and honey was nothing compared to the memory of how good Korn tasted. 

He wanted to satisfy his carnal desires just as much as Korn seemed to but Mew needed to focus. He'd already warmed the food but he took his time plating it to keep from looking at Korn.

"Aren't you going to dress up?" Mew asked when the challenge of keeping his attention on the food failed and he kept glancing at Korn's body.

"Why? I'll just have to take it off again."

He was?

"Just a t-shirt," Mew offered in the hope that he sounded reasonable instead of desperate. His efforts to be considerate and give Korn the time he needed were sorely tested, "You might need it in case you spill something on yourself."

Korn came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Mew's waist, "I'll be fine. But I don't think you will."

Korn's hand slid from Mew's abs to his distended cock. Running his hand over the hard column with unmatched familiarity and skill. Mew could have gone up in flames from that one touch but he pulled away quickly. 

Taking a deep breath he moved out of reach and signalled the food on the counter, "Eat. Then we can talk."

Korn's evil laugh followed him as he escaped to the bedroom. After the day he'd had, a shower was in order even though he'd told Korn he didn't need one, it helped that he could douse himself in cold water and get back some of his control. It would be useless if he couldn't concentrate long enough to get Korn to tell him what was bothering him.

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