Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Acceptance was the first step.

Korn had never felt like that was beyond him. He found it hard because he'd been there before. But even without Mew's words ringing in his head, he knew things were different this time. It changed everything to admit that to himself. Whether or not he would be able to do the same with Mew would have to wait.

His ringing phone distracted him. "Hello. It's been a while since you called me."

"Well, I have good news..." Yihwa said with barely concealed excitement easing some of the tension that had worked its way into Korn's body.

"Good news is always welcome. What's up?"

"Cho asked me to marry him," she said but she was screaming right after the last word.

Korn let her celebrate. He wasn't surprised but the sinking feeling in his gut made him wonder for a second—but the feeling passed. This was great news and it was just in time, considering the conversation they'd had when they met. They were long overdue and he was truly happy for his friend.

Knowing it would piss her off he sighed loudly, "What am I supposed to say?"

"You could start by congratulating us on our engagement."

"Congratulations on your the guy you've been dating for the past however many years. At this point, you're an old married couple even though you aren't married yet."

"Really, Korn?" Yihwa's exasperation was clear, earning a teasing laugh from Korn.

"I'm just messing with you," he said by way of an apology. "Maybe it's because you told me about this a short while ago. I figured you were already making plans to tie the knot with your future baby daddy."

"I told you we were talking about it. Now it's official." Her squeal forced Korn to pull the phone away from his ear but her excitement was contagious.

"Alright, alright. What do you need for me?"

"Well...Cho already came to my parent's house," Yihwa said sounding scandalized. "He pretty much told them he plans to marry me and he won't take no for an answer."

"Wow, you're further along than I expected..."

"Really? You were just giving me a hard time about that just now."

"Sorry," he said even though he didn't sound apologetic.

Korn hoped Yihwa would dismiss his sarcasm as teasing rather than a cover. He didn't want her to know how hurt he was. She'd been his best friend for so long, it was assumed they would be in each other's lives forever. Going through all their milestones together. He understood if the distance made things difficult but it would have been nice to be asked.

Shaking out of his funk he listened as Yihwa gave him a breakdown of their immediate plans. They were going for a traditional ceremony. Korn knew there were a few hoops to jump through after seeing his sister and P'Phu go through the same thing. He wondered if Yihwa would be willing to do every single requirement.

"They have a meeting next week to discuss the dowry—although I told my dad to be reasonable."

"Old school..."

"More like an excuse to party," she said with mild disgust. "But that's why I'm calling."

Korn had no idea what was coming but he felt every muscle tense up. Trying to tell himself it was going to be fine, he found himself taking a deep breath and then another. This had officially become a habit and Mew wasn't the only one who gave him palpitations.

"Can you make it?"

"What?" To say that wasn't what he was expecting to hear was an understatement.

Korn felt like a heel for doubting his best friend but he recovered quickly. "As long as it isn't too early or too late, I can probably make it the morning of."

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