Chapter Thirty -Seven

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It had taken him a while to get out of the funk after the phone call with his mother. But Mew had been easy. Easy in a way that he hadn't let himself believe was possible. That Mew could be there for him without asking anything of him felt good—he hated that he wondered if it was too good to be true.

The fact that it had happened before was part of the same conversation he'd just had with his mother. There were gaps in the way he managed his life and he did not want to get into the habit of forcing Mew to take responsibility for him. It was nice to have someone there to catch the slack when he couldn't do it for himself. With his parents finally on board, things would be easier

"I'm sorry for just phasing out on you."

"You do not ever have to apologise for that. I'm here for you."

"Thank you."

Mew hadn't brought it up again. There was nothing to add. It might have been a significant hiccup but it didn't change the essence of things. They still had one more night together and he wasn't about to waste it.

"Are you done with the tourist option?"

"What do you have in mind?"

Korn had asked about any night spots and the concierge had been forthcoming. He refused to tell Mew where they were going. Hoping it would be a pleasant surprise. Korn led them to a local pub where they ordered a few drinks and watched the crowd from their vantage point.

There were a few same-sex couples so, feeling a little confident, Korn asked Mew to dance. They spent most of the night alternating between the dancefloor and their table. The drinks flowed freely and their inhibitions lowered enough that neither of them was self-conscious about showing affection with other people present.

"I like dancing with you," Mew said his words slightly slurred as he pulled Korn to him and gave him a sloppy kiss.

"I like doing everything with you," Korn said. "But I want to do things that don't involve giving everyone a show or getting arrested for indecent exposure."

Mew's laugh made him laugh. Tired, sweaty and intoxicated from great beer and a very good time, they stumbled back to their hotel room. Inordinately pleased with themselves for making it without injury or incident.

Fumbled attempts to remove their clothes followed. Falling over when their balance was insufficient. Laughing at each other and then at themselves as they stumbled and decided the floor was safer than trying to navigate furniture and their collective lack of coordination.

"I don't think you should drive in this state," Korn said to Mew when he tried to pull him close.

"I'm not going anywhere," Mew answered, completely missing the innuendo.

"But I want to go somewhere."

"Where do you want to go? Can I come?"

"Definitely. You're my ticket to...a very good time."

"You want to give me a ride?" Mew said finally catching on.

"Climb on board."

Having Mew rub his body against his had never felt so good. Even partially dressed, it felt like more—and not enough. He wanted more. He grabbed onto Mew's ass and pulled him tight against his body. Mew was busy trying to pull away their underwear to reveal their cocks. He held them together, thrusting into his closed fist so his movements together with his hold created the most delicious friction.

Each movement made the moan or groan into each other's mouths. It was hard to breathe and kiss and lick and touch at the same time, but that didn't stop them. Neither one of them was sober enough to figure out every move yet everything they did was right. Because the only thing that mattered was how close they were pressed to each other and how desperate they were to come.

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