Chapter Twenty-Three

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"I know I said it before but...I missed you," Korn admitted the next morning.

Mew got the feeling he wasn't talking about the time they had spent apart in the last few months. This was about the years they had been strangers to each other when they should never have walked away from each other. Not even when they couldn't make their relationship work.

Mew was so shocked he didn't say anything for a while. The need to apologize again was there between them but he didn't think that was what they needed. He'd explained his reasons and regrets. They had walked back from it and found something that had the potential to be a fresh start. Looking deep inside himself, the only truth he could find was the same one Korn had spoken.

"I missed you too. So much."

Mew intended the kiss to be quick. A simple acknowledgement that they were on the same page. But it got out of hand so fast. They were pushing off the beddings and seeking each other out. Rubbing against each other to get friction in just the right spot.

The kissing didn't stop. It was a part of it. A part of the need that was driving them both. One they weren't very good at acknowledging because neither of them could do anything about it. Mew had to go back to Bangkok and Korn would be left in Chiang Mai. They would have to be apart even though they didn't want to.

"Mew...we can't...fuck."

"We can't...?" His breathless confusion made Korn chuckle.

"That's not what I meant. I meant...fuck."

"That's what I'm trying to do."

"Oh're going to kill us both. We need to get up and get out of here or we will both be chaffing."

"Can you chaff from too much sex?"

Korn laughed, "Could we please not find out."

"I don't think I can be a civilized human being if I don't deal with this," Mew said indicating his hard-on.

Korn's was just as hard but the laughter made it seem less urgent.

"Let's shower together. I'm sure we can work something out."

Working something out involved soaping up and getting clean. Then jerking each other off in the shower before rinsing away the evidence. Getting dressed on opposite sides of the room only worked when they both looked away.

They left both cars in the hotel parking lot and decided to walk. It wasn't far from the nearest mall. They had brunch at a local coffee shop. Hardly any conversation passed between them as they replenished their energy.

Mew wanted to pull Korn into the nearest corner and finish what they had started that morning. The way Korn looked at him made it clear that he was thinking the same thing. They were not fit for the public but they had agreed, hadn't they?

"Was there anything in particular you needed?"

"Hmmm...? Nothing I can think of."

They walked around the mall for a while longer but the later it got the more people came in. Mew felt like he should have been comfortable with them but he wasn't. He felt out of place. Whatever was happening between Korn and him needed time and privacy to percolate. To become what it was supposed to become.

"Do you need anything for your house? We could go to the supermarket."

"Are you that desperate for something to do that you would happily inflict household shopping on yourself?"

"If I don't do that, I'll jump you in the middle of the mall. I don't think either of us wants to be thrown out for indecent exposure."

Korn didn't laugh. That was so much worse because the way he moved towards Mew made it clear that what he'd said in jest carried some merit.

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