Chapter Thirty -Six

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Mew and Korn returned to their room after a very late breakfast to find his phone blinking insistently. Korn reached for it with trepidation. Nobody knew where he was. Which could have caused some problems, but it was unlikely that anyone would show up at his house without giving him some kind of warning. But if he had missed a call, there was every chance that's what it was about.

He was surprised to find the missed call was from his mother. Their conversations had been regular but infrequent. It was highly unusual for her to call him outside of their established routine.

"Let me find out what's up," he said to Mew as he automatically re-dialled his mother's number while walking to the balcony to get some privacy.

"Hello?" He said tentatively when his mother picked up on the second ring.

"Korn...hello, son. Happy holiday."

"Happy holidays to you too. Is that what you called me for?

"I can't call you to wish you a good day?"

"Of course, you can. I just thought something had happened. I...I'm sorry I made assumptions and—," his sigh was loud enough to echo through the phone. Korn forced himself to take a deep calming breath and tried to ease the panic that had momentarily got hold of him, "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine. So is your father. And I spoke to your sister earlier and I can confirm that she and the family are all doing very well." She answered brightly.

The information was welcome and when Mew got his attention and mimed, 'What's up?' with an open gesture of his hands, Korn waved him off and mouthed, "Everything is fine."

" was good to see pictures of you at Yihwa's wedding." He heard his mother say when he turned his attention back to the phone call.

"I can send you a few more," he told her, getting into the conversation.

"That would be very nice. I don't have any recent photos of you."

Korn was surprised by the momentary anger. Whose fault was that? But he held his tongue. Then he realised he couldn't do that anymore. Couldn't act like everything was alright when it wasn't. He was still hurt and even though things were on the mend there was one thing he couldn't keep a secret.

Overrun by the overwhelming desire to tell her about Mew, he knew it was a test. He hoped she would pass. Hoped this new arrangement between them could withstand the reality of his life—of who he really was. But he wasn't sure and the fear made him angry. Before he could think of a reason not to, he jumped headlong into his news.

"You might have noticed that I was with Mew at the wedding."

"Yes, he looked very handsome too. And you look very nice holding N'Piti. I never thought of you like that until I saw the picture."

"Like what?"

"As a family."

Korn choked on air and his coughs drew Mew's attention. He tried to wave him off but Mew came back with a glass of water and handed it to him without saying a word. Korn downed half of it but still had to clear his throat a few times to ease the irritation.

"Don't go making any weird plans mom. That's...that's not happening."

"Why not?" Was she trying to kill him or distract him from his news? "You're a good man, you could be a good father."

"Slow down. I just wanted you to know that...Mew and I are back together."

"Back together?"

"I mean there was a know...before, when..."

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