Chapter Twenty-Four

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Korn didn't tell Mew he was in Bangkok. Not because he didn't want him to know he just wanted it to be a surprise. Of course, the minute he thought about the surprise he could only imagine how unsurprised Mew would be if he showed up unexpectedly. It didn't help that, while he had an address and a pinned location on Google Maps, he was going to Mew's house sight unseen.

Fortunately, long before he went to see Mew, he had work to do. Korn was in Bangkok to see about the solar power supplier. He needed to visit the head office and clarify a few of the QC requirements that had come up as a result of his desire for ISO certification.

The meetings took longer than he expected and it was mid-afternoon before he got a chance to call Mew.


"Hey there yourself," Mew answered brightly.

"Can I ask a favour?"

"Sure, shoot," he said without hesitation.

"Will you be my date tonight?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I was thinking of going for dinner but it didn't make sense to go by myself...since I'm in Bangkok."

"You're here? Now? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise,' Korn said. "Surprise."

Mew laughed, "You definitely got me this time."

There was a long pause and the muffled sound of Mew excusing himself, "Where are you staying?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet...but I have a few ideas," Korn answered cryptically.

"Come stay with me."

"I'll be busy for most of the day and I know you are too. I'll probably just bother you if I come over."

"Come anyway."

On some level, Korn had known what was going to happen. With so little time to spend together, it made no sense to be apart when they were in the same city. He still had a lot of work to do and not a lot of time before he had to get back. It was 8 p.m. when he finally alighted from the taxi he'd taken from his last meeting.

"You look exhausted," Mew said by way of a greeting, giving Korn a peck on the lips before grabbing his suitcase basically dumping it in his room.

He was casually dressed in sweats and a tee shirt. He'd obviously had some time to get changed out of his work clothes. It would be a shame to make him get dressed up again to go out.

"You don't look so hot yourself."

"Yeah well, you always see me on my best days."

"I know I asked you out but I was wondering if I could take a rain cheque."

"Way ahead of you. I already ordered take-out. I think, before it gets here," Mew said taking Korn's hand and pulling him close, "you should take a shower, get changed and get comfortable. I don't think you're going to be able to keep your eyes open a minute after you're done eating."

He gave Korn a hug while he spoke. Holding him in his arms while he whispered into his ear. It wasn't arousing. It was comforting, undemanding. It was easy; for the moment. They just stood in the middle of Mew's kitchen holding each other.

"I like your thinking but you're going to need to do me one favour. I want the tour just as soon as I get out of the bathroom."

"Deal," he said as he walked Korn to the bathroom adjoining his bedroom.

Mew made sure Korn knew where the towels, shampoo and body wash were before giving him another peck on the lips and walking out.

Korn had a moment to take in everything that had happened. Mew acted like it was perfectly normal for him to be there. The calm certainty of his welcome took the last of his doubt with it as he showered.

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