Chapter Twenty-Two

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Mew had an easy time using the connection Korn gave him for the solar power companies. The consultation with their marketing team had assured him, then his boss, that they were an ideal match for their products. He'd assumed they were geared towards industrial solutions but they had reassured him of their capabilities.

"We started out creating solutions for the domestic market then expanded to cater to more bespoke solutions. Our products are infinitely customizable. I'm sure you'll find something that works for you." The representative had gone on to detail the specifications and how they could match KemiKal's needs and their customers by extension.

"Does that mean they are more price?" His boss had asked, cutting to the chase.

"Yes. Including options for financing if they can present a good business plan. The product acts as its collateral."

Mew didn't need an excuse to call Korn but he wanted to share the good news.

"Seems like we're working on similar things. Even though the outcomes are very different." Korn said when he finished telling him of everything he'd accomplished since returning to work.

"We are?" Mew asked.

"Yeah. They just finished installing the backup power at the factory. Nobody thought it was a big deal but the first time power went out, they didn't even notice."

"That's even better than the hospitals we work with. I'll have to pick your brain about that."

"Any time."

"Korn..." Mew started then stopped. His fear kept him from saying what he felt. But he knew there was no reason to hide. "I miss you."

"Mew...don't. I'm at work."

"What's that got to do with me missing you?"

"I can't stop thinking about you either. But every time I do, it has a distinct effect on my body."

"Really?" Mew said taken by surprise by the confession. "I thought I was the only one."

They laughed together at the absurdity of their situation. Entirely of their making and easily solved in they were willing to do something about it.

"Just...I miss you too, okay? So come visit me so I can take you out."

"Two more weeks," Mew confirmed. "I'll be there in two weeks."

"It's a date."

It was exactly as he'd predicted. His boss wasn't just on board with what he had discovered, he was ready to invest in everything that Mew had suggested. After three months the A-B testing for his idea of providing uninterrupted power supply units or solar power had come back with a resounding certainty that this was a game changer.

Not just for the use of the equipment that KemiKal created, but for all the other things that they had at their disposal. It was strange because he ended up providing business not only for the solar power company but also for the UPS providers. They were more inclined to give them a better deal on their products since he was inadvertently marketing on their behalf, giving them an edge over their competitors.

"You don't realise you've turned this into something it was never intended to be," his boss told him.

"It just got a little bit bigger," Mew said with a sheepish grin. But he was willing to stand behind his decision. "I think it's still just as good. Maybe better."

"And I suppose you're going to want a raise."

"Of course. But I thought you were going to wait until I brought it up."

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