Chapter Twenty-One

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Mew had certain expectations. Those expectations led to certain assumptions. For instance, while promoting the idea of UPS's, he'd assumed that every clinic would have access to the main power grid. All they had to safeguard against, were fluctuations in the supply.

Or, while suggesting he and Korn take a break from sex, he'd assumed a cooperative libido.

He'd been wrong—on both counts.

Mew had to force himself to focus on the problem he could solve. There were plenty of clinics without the convenience of electricity. Some were lucky enough to have found a benefactor; local NGOs, groups of well-wishers, or a timely government donation. Those had generators with their additional fuel costs at the expense of already cash-strapped clinics. Mew's quest to provide services wasn't just about the equipment. He needed some way to ensure the equipment worked.

"We seriously have to consider using solar panels and inverters," he said to his boss. "The initial cost is higher but once they are installed, the maintenance is insignificant."

"Is this in addition to all the other things we wanted?"

"That's just it, once they have a steady power supply, they won't need much else from us. At least not in terms of equipment. They can afford to buy what they need as long as they can actually use it."

"You're saying the outreach would not involve us giving them equipment it would involve us giving them solar-based power units?"

"I still like the idea of providing a combo pack. Why not kill two birds with one stone." That was becoming his favourite phrase in the whole world.

"You mean, provide the power supply as part of every purchase?"

"Exactly. Those who don't want the inverter or the UPS get different a price. But we make it a worthwhile bargain for anybody who wants the full package."

His boss was happy.
He was happy—enough.

Armed with the first of many examples he planned his second training session a little further afield. Mew had the same intention of using Chiang Mai as his jump-off point—but he couldn't get the thought of seeing Korn far enough at the back of his mind to keep his cock from swelling at the mere thought.

"I'll drive through Chiang Mai on Friday but I won't be able to stop. I'll see you on Saturday after the training. Is that okay?"

"Absolutely. Do you have any idea what time?"

"Sometime after lunch. Maybe three-ish. It all depends on how things go."

"Sounds like a plan," Korn answered.

It was. Mew would have loved to see as much of Korn as possible. This was the next best thing. They could spend one night together if he was with Korn on Saturday night and didn't have to drive back to Bangkok until Sunday. The forced celibacy was wearing him down yet he wasn't tempted to find somebody else. He was too preoccupied with thoughts of Korn—and all the things that they could do together.


Korn had been trying to think of a reason to invite Mew to his house. It was a bad idea. He already knew that. At the same time, the whole moratorium on sex was ridiculous. He could not for the life of him remember why they'd agreed to do it. But it was that kind of thinking that had got them into trouble in the first place.

They had thought they were exempt from getting to know each other after so much time. Not going beyond the good or fun things; what they enjoyed or were happy to share. But there was so much it left out.

What was Mew like when he tired or relaxed? How did he behave when was stressed out; or frustrated? If there was anything true right now, it was the fact that Korn was both stressed out and frustrated. He didn't like it and he didn't want Mew to see him like that.

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