Chapter Thirty-Five

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Mew had to resist the urge to wake up early. There was nowhere to go and nothing to do—the joy of being on holiday. Ignoring the part of his brain that insisted he do something, Mew burrowed in deeper under the duvet and forced himself to go back to sleep.

Korn seemed to have the same idea.

It was almost 10 when they finally woke up. Taking their time to get ready before braving the other guests and the hotel staff. Breakfast was a leisurely affair as they took advantage of the buffet and heaped their plates with eggs, bacon, toast and some of the best coffee Mew had ever tasted.

"You want to go back to the room?" Korn asked after breakfast.

"Do you think there's any way we can be alone together and know."

"That's what I hoping for," Korn said cheekily and earned himself a smack to the head.

It wasn't that Mew didn't want that too. He had trouble thinking of anything else now that Korn was right in front of him and not a disembodied voice over the phone. But they couldn't spend the entire weekend in bed, no matter how tempting it was.

"Pacing ourselves is probably a good idea," he finally said trying to sound like it didn't sound ridiculous.

"There's a trail we can walk up," Korn said changing tack so fast, Mew wanted to tell him to go back to the previous topic. But he was looking at the information brochure he'd swiped from the reception desk leaving Mew free to look at him. "They say it takes about 30 minutes to get to the top of the hill. We can lunch there if we want."

"That sounds like a good idea," Mew said enthusiastically and got a knowing smile from Korn. "It will be a good way to pass the morning."

The walk turned out to be more like a 25-minutes. The paved path was pretty—full of flowers and all the associated insects. They stopped to take a few photos and appreciate the view which is how the short distance took them almost 45 minutes to cover.

They weren't the only ones on the trail. It kept them out of trouble even though the way Korn was looking at him did nothing to assure him he'd made the right decision.

They were both pleasantly surprised to find an actual campground at the top of the hill. Some of the guests had opted to spend the night there for a change of pace. It was a good idea but neither Korn nor Mew was willing to brave the elements on this holiday; they both wanted rest, not adventure.

Lunch was served from a pavilion but the guests could choose to eat in their tented rooms or in small gazebos that dotted the landscape. Each one provided both a sense of privacy and being out in the open. They didn't talk much as they enjoyed the expertly cooked BBQ and washed it down with cold beer.

"I could stay here forever," Mew said but he sounded more wistful than he'd intended.

"I think that's why they have daybeds," Korn observed making himself comfortable against the many cushions.

Mew slipped in beside him so they were lying down side by side. "Feels like the perfect spot to take a nap."

Neither of them had made an overt attempt to avoid talking about anything serious but their whispers were senseless and sweet. Kissing in between random observations of their secluded spot or each other or the food or whatever else they could think about. The revelations from the night before were still fresh. It was easy to forget that they hadn't spoken about the details.

It was more fun to take Korn's hand and walk down the hill like they didn't have a care in the world. They lingered over the view of the setting sun. Talked about all the things they could do with their remaining time at the resort. It was so easy to ignore the glaring hole in their plans if they didn't look at it.

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