This is Berk

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Hiccup POV
This is Berk....
It's 12 day north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death. It's located solidly on the meridian of misery. My village, in a word, sturdy. It's been here for seven generations but every single building is new. We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problems are the passes. You see most places of mice or mosquitoes. We have...

As I open the door a dragon flew by and blew out a big flame but I close the door before it hits me. "...Dragons."

A dragon flew down and blew fire while sheeps was running away and another dragon grab one of the sheep but a Viking jumped and hold on to the sheep while another Viking was hitting a gronckle on the head in the air but got thrown away. "Most people would leave, not us. We're Vikings. We have stubborness."

I was running out of the hut which caught on fire and someone fell to the ground. "My name is Hiccup. Great name, I know. But it's not the worst." I was going to run around them but stop when an axe hit the ground so I went the other way. I ran under a lumber that was getting carry. "Parents believe a hideous name will frame nothing gnomes and trolls, like our charming Viking demeanor when I'll do that." I turn around and got bumped by people that were running. As I turn back around a blast hit the ground and I fell on my back. Someone went above me with an axe in the air and yelled in my face.

I got back up and kept running. As a ran I passed by people that was telling me to go inside. I was going to get pass my father but I got grabbed by the back of the shirt and got lifted in the air. My father said, "What is he doing out again. What are you doing out, get inside." "That's Stoic, the vast chief of the tribe. They said that when he was a baby, he popped a dragon's head clean off his shoulder. Do I believe it... Yes I do."

I ran to Gobber's place and while I pass him and took of my jacket he said, "Oh nice for you to join the poppy. I thought you've been counted off." While I put on a apron I responded "Me, no come on I'm way too muscular for their taste. They would know what to do with all this." Gobber then said "Well, lady toothpicks don't they-" I cutted him off "Mean head with attitude and interchangeable hands." "I have been Gobber's apprentice ever since I was little, well littler."

"See, old village and lots and lots of new houses." I look out of the window and see six familiar people carrying buckets. "Oh that's Fishleg, Snotlout, the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Astrid, and..." As another girl throw water on the fire, a fire blast hit the ground and everything went in slow motion. "...Y/N." I look at her with a love struck look on my face. "Oh, their job is so much cooler than mine."

They ran past me and I look out but got lifted in the air by Gobber. I said "Oh come on, let me out please. I need to make my mark." He responded "Oh you've made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places." "Please, two minutes, I'll kill a dragon and my life with get infinitely better. I might even get a date." I said, hoping to get Y/n on a date with me. "You can't lift a hammer, you can't swing an axe, you can't even throw one of these." Gobber then said while lifting up a bola. As someone took it and throw it at a dragon getting it able to come to the ground. "Okay but this will throw it for me." As I touch it, it open and threw a bola at a person's head knocking them down.

He said while walking towards me "See? Now this right here is what I'm talking about." I stuttered "B-b-but mild calibration issue-" I got cutted off by Gobber "Hiccup, if you ever wanted to get out there to fight dragons, you need to stop all of...this." He pointed to me "But you just pointed to all of me." He said "Yes, that's it, stop being all of you." "Ohhhhh" I said "Ohh yeah" He said back "You sir are playing a dangerous game. Keeping this much raw Vikingness contained. There will be consequences." I said in his face "I'll take my chances. Start sharping now" He said boredly and giving me a sword. I started sharping the sword "One day I'll get out there. Because killing a dragon is everything around here."

A dragon with spikes on it's head jumped on a rock. "A nadder is sure to get me at least notice." Two smaller dragons with small wings then lift up wood from the ground. "Gronckles are tough, taken down one of those will definitely get Y/n to be my girlfriend." A two headed dragon then blew up a hut. "A zippleback exotic two heads, twice the status." Stoic standed on a tower and look down at the fire when dragon on fire climb up. "Then there's the monstrous nightmare. Only the best Vikings go after those. They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire." Stoic hitted the dragon on the head with a hammer. "But the ultimate prize is the dragon no one ever seen we call it the..." I was sharping the sword but then look up and someone yelled "...Night fury!"

The night fury then fire a plasma blast at the catapult where someone was standing on it and Stoic yelled "JUMP" so he jumped off. "This thing never steals food, never shows itself, and..." Another plasma blast hit one of the catapults. "...Never misses. No one has ever killed a night fury. That's why I'm gonna be the first." As I walk over to Gobber he said while walking out and pointing towards me "Matt the floor Hiccup. They need me out there. Stay. put. there. "

I then ran out with a weapon while people were yelling at me to come back. I ran to the cliff with my weapon and opened it getting ready to shoot the night fury. I stand still and look at the sky waiting. I muttered "Come on....Give me something to shoot at. Give me something to shoot at." I look around when I heard something. I saw a shadow then a plasma blast got shooted. The night fury flew out and I aimed at it and close my eyes. When I shoot, I fell back then got up and saw that I HITED THE NIGHT FURY when it went down. "I hit it. YES I HIT IT. DID ANYBODY SEE THAT." Then a monstrous nightmare climb up behind me and get in my face. "Except for you..."

Normal POV

Stoic was handling the deadly nadders that were caught in the net until he heard. "AAHHHH" He turned around and saw Hiccup running and getting chase by a monstrous nightmare. He sighed then got up and said to the other people while running towards Hiccup, "Do not let them escape."

The monstrous nightmare was firing at Hiccup while he was barely dodging them then he hid behind a pillar breathing heavily and the monstrous nightmare hitted the pillar instead. He looked to the side to see and the monstrous nightmare creeped up the other side and was about to attack him but Stoic jumped and kicked it on time.

Stoic and the dragon stood face to face and the dragon tried to breath out a flame but only got a small one coming out. Then Stoic started to beat it hitting it and kicking it then the monstrous nightmare flew away. As Stoic faced the pillar as it fell down and revealed Hiccup who avoided his stare. "Sorry dad" he said. And as the torch was rolling the Vikings that were with the deadly nadders ran away which let them to escape.

It was just silence and people were staring at Hiccup until he broke the silence by saying "Okay but I hitted a night fury." But his dad didn't listen and just picked him up by the shirt as Hiccup yelped. "But it's not like the last few times dad, I mean I really actually hit it. You guys were busy and I had a very clear shot . It went down just off raven point. Let's get a search party out there-" He got cutted off by his mad dad.

"Just STOP. Just stop. Every time you step outside, disaster falls. Can you not see I have bigger problems? Winter is almost here and I have an entire village to feed." Hiccup then replied "Yeah, between you and me the village could do a little less feeding don't you think." His dad then responded annoyed "This isn't a joke. Hiccup. Oh, why can't you follow the simplest orders." "I can't stop myself. I see a dragon and I have to just kill it you know. It's who I am dad." Hiccup said. "Oh yeah, many things Hiccup, but a dragon killer is not one of them. Get back to the house." Stoic said

Stoic said facing Gobber nodding his head towards Hiccup. "Make sure he gets there. I have his mess to clean up." Gobber smack Hiccup's head as he walk over to him. Hiccup walk past six familiar kids. Ruffnut was laughing while Tuffnut said "Quite the performance out there." And Snotlout said "I've never seen someone mess up that badly. That helped." Hiccup replied back saying "Thank you, Thank you, I was trying." Fishleg was just looking at him, Astrid was sitting on a rock with her axe, and what Hiccup didn't notice was Y/n looking at him with sadness.

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